Posting a little early today, which probably means a bit of boredom at work tonight, but oh well. Joe got me ranting about Global Warming over at
his blog. Now I feel like rambling, but I have no purpose. I pity you. WARNING: This post is most likely a rambling, free writing exercise to entertain me while waiting for the UPS man........
Still reading? Sweet.
Anyway, I's gonna hit the lake this morning, but a combination of heat, laziness, knowing the UPS man is coming, and the DAMN CAT waking me up at 4:30 again saw me pissing on the alarm once again this morning. Instead, a little OGE work and house cleaning.
Half a sink of dishes, plus cleaning the counters, microwave (inside and out), stove, and sweeping/mopping the kitchen and bathroom later, here I am. All of that in less than an hour, too. *ding* That just leaves Wendy with half a sink of dishes and the litter box, and we're all good. ;) Of course, I
should do some laundry now, too.
And suddenly, the cats want to play fetch.
Anyway, I'm thinking of changing the name of Organ Grinder to something else. Haven't registered it yet, so it's no big. Trouble with the name is that if you Google for photos or sites dealing with organ grinders, you don't get meat grinders. You get chubby men from the late 19th century standing on street corners playing little hand held organs a lot like accordians. Just short of a monkey with a cymbal if you ask me. And I really don't wanna be Meat Grinder Entertainment.
Still, as usual, if I focus on the name now, it'll be a major hang up and I'll get jack and shit done for awhile. Can't afford that.
Regardless, got a major player in Myrrlanthus done today. He's the highest level and most complicated character I've made, thus far. Unfortunately, as with a few others, his campaign incarnation is gonna be different than his published incarnation, because I used a feat or two and prestige class not available in the SRD. Easy enough to change, but sure to throw the players off when I have them edit it.
And here's a dilemma. Editing. Obviously there is much playtesting going on as I use Myrrlanthus as the prime locale in my campaign. However, if we're still using it as a base when it comes time to edit the sourcebook, they'll be able to get a lot of "secret" info from it during that process. Means I'll either have to have most of that info revealed already or move them from that base of operations. Scratch that. I'll just make sure that only a very small amount of the published info is actually true in my campaign. Keep em guessing. There we go.
Oh. Gotta blow my own horn here a bit. Quote of the day is an exchange from another forum about throwing PCs off with magic items. My suggestion was to change up the base and structure of the items without changing the effect. You know, instead of making 50 charge wands, make yer wands be one use "flash" packs that the character has to light, say a magic word and toss into the air for the effect to take place. Anyway, the end of the post was "If you ever want a character to lick a chunk of dirt, have it radiate a slight to serious healing aura," and that got a good "Classic!" response from the Rat Bastard Dungeon Masters that are starting to consider me one of their brethren.
Oh yeah. I need to find a secret place to post my twisted, somewhat macabre, just plained fucked plot line(s) in my campaign. Almost had to tell Wendy this sweet ass idea I had this morning, because we all know my criminal empire crumbled because my ego NEEDS credit for the great things I do. Damn ego.
OK, fine. I'm done. Still awake? Go do something else, now.