
Midgets? Where?!!

Nick's Back. Sounds like a helluva trip. Can't wait til he blogs his shit up. I got the abbreviated version.

Man. Fucking news across the country is overdramatizing the latest Imminent Domain ruling by the Supreme Court. "State and local government now has the right to seize your house and bulldoze it to build shopping malls." You know, that's stretching it a bit. While I disagree with their ruling, one or two of the comments they made said specifically that they aren't ruling across the board here, just on this case. In the case in question, there was obviously no private person or organization in mind when the zoning plan was put in place. If it's evident that's not true in another case, there's wiggle room for it to hit the Supreme Court again.

Can we get drama out of the news and just make it informative again?


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