
Router poop pop drop netgear to linksys Stop Flop

Yesterday, our router died. Not sure what's wrong with the damn thing. It doesn't broadcast a wireless signal most of the time, and even when it does, you can't connect to the internet wirelessly. You can connect to the internet via ethernet cable through the router, but what's the point in having a wireless route if you're using ethernet cables?

The router was a netgear WGR614. We got a little over 18 months of use before it crapped out. Obviously, I didn't want to go the netgear router route. My netgear wireless card in my PC is holding up ok (a little glitchy at times, though, and I can't create a full on network through it to save my life), but still. Nor did I want a D-link, cause every piece of equipment I've ever had from them crapped out in 6 months or less. So, I went with linksys. Hopefully, it stands up. The signal is a little weaker than the netgear was, but I like the interface so far, and the firmware is 10 times easier to upgrade, so I'm pleased so far.

So, that's my Yay for the weekend.


and it's off

Hoorah. Fired off the adventure proposal for March. Let's see how long I can keep this up, eh. I'm gonna lay off the Campaign Workbook and any Dragon ideas until after I get Joe's site topped up. That leaves me the next couple of weeks anyway to just brainstorming and Cthulu. Might have to consider not doing Cthulu every week, though in the meantime.

Unfortuantely, there's word from editors on the Paizo forums that there won't be a meeting to review proposals anytime soon. Might as well fill the waiting with more proposals, right?



Whoo boy. Add another trip to the roster this year. Fuck. I was gonna be able to swing most of the travel action with relatively little vacation time, but the third wedding is definitely this year, so shit got hectic and tight on the budget and vacation bank. I'll have to watch that shit close.

As such, this morning left a bad taste in my mouth about Gen Con and the expense of the hotel, so I had to go hang on the forums about to get pumped back up. Considering the productivity of this weekend, it wasn't too hard.

Weekend Recap
300 rocked. I loved it. You won't get much intellectual review out of me this morning, though. Go see it, that's all I can say.

Got the basic layout for the TORC Press revamp done, barring further revamp suggestions by Joe. Hoorah. Moving on to the CGI script that will let Joe update the News & Production sections on his own. That'll be fun. What little I know about Perl only allows me to modify other Perl scripts to fit my needs. Accordingly, I'm not even sure Perl is the way to go, but that's where I'm starting.

Still hung up on the query to Paizo. Anyone know what the style of movie/narrative/story is called when you have several different factions chasing the same item? Sort of like Smokin Aces or Hanna Barbera's race cartoons. One stupide term shouldn't be this much of a hang up, but without it, my opening line is lame squared.

The mystery mini-campaign is probably getting put on hold yet again. I really need to focus on Joe's site, so I don't have a ton of time to research. I might be able to work on it at work for after I get the Paizo query written up, and I might swing a day a week or so, but that's about it. I know that I won't make much headway on CGI scripting just doing it Thursday through Saturday. *shrug*


absolute safari

Yes. Score. Figured out the problem I was having on the new TORCPress web design. Safari renders differently then IE, so it looked wrong. I had put the position data for the DIV tags into the CSS file. Apparently, that info has be directly coded into the html instead. Whoops. Trial and error figured it out, but not before I broke the IE version, too. LOL. I did learn that the IE version will work more consistently if I do a little extra coding up top, though, so score two for me.

Thinking about starting another blog. Actually several. One that we could all log into to add road tunes for Gen Con, and at least one other that we could all use to post costume and shirt ideas, and later, once the game/panel schedules are up, we could post the things we're interested in. *shrug*


spring dreamin

Wendy's about to steal the lappy to go to work. Brevity is key.

Gen Con update- Roster: Me, Nick, John, Matt. We're expecting 5, so the hotel sits at 200 ea. Nick's paid, John's almost there, Matt still needs an update I think. Have any of us bought tickets yet? I doubt it. LOL.

SR4 update- We went ghoul hunting but found Nagas instead. They were friendly at least. Oh, and after much complaining about how much money he's given us in the past, Charlie gave us old data that could be worth upwards of a million nuyen. If we can sell it.

Project update- The mysterious publishing project conitnues. I've got a lot of research done on one faction and have laid out the water and coastlines. Interior of the map is sketched up and it's just a matter of deciding on style to finish it. I still have to research/decide on Vikings and research some of the more traditional enemies.

Got a solid enough idea for the March paizo submittal to write that up, too, I think. Calling this one "Big Tom and the Little Orphans." The February proposal is "A Dish Best Served Undead" along with a critical threat for one of my old characters. The latter won't pass muster, though, as I forgot to rebuild him with level appropriate treasure and use the elite stat tier. Oh well. Still have to decide on a Campaign workbook or Dragon piece for March. My goal is at least one adventure and preferrably and adventure plus campaign workbook each month, on top of some solid 3rd party work.

Still working on Joe's rebuild, too. Damn Safari uses a different render engine than PC browsers, and it doens't like my div tags. :( Might have to use some javascript to say, OH, HI Safari, your private room is waiting. Bleh.


Where have all the Elder Gods gone?

No Cthulu last night. John had to finish up a few papers for school. Didn't look like Wendy was in the mood, so I didn't ask. Next week, baby. It's the end of the world next week.

Instead, i got a fair amount of research done, focusing on games and toys for one of my cultures. I'm drawing up blanks on their actual religion and can't decide whether to give them a new class or not. Cleric doesn't work at all, and druid has a lot of cannonicle associations to get around to fill the role as is. *shrug* I'll figure it out. Might just work on my map and the other cultures a bit until I get an idea.... I should research and see if there's any other OGL classes that would work. That'll make the pitching phase a little more hairy, though, when I say, "Oh yeah, I used the SpiderMonkeyNinja class from SomePoorSchmucks OGL .pdf called '649 Classes You'll Never Need'." It's OGL, so it's legal, but most of the smaller guys don't like to step on each other's toes.

Got a little 2142 in as well. Scored a promotion, Major Silver now, and kept my unlock in my pocket for the expansion. I actually DIDN'T want to play as commander last night, but both servers I played on, the round was almost over when I came in, and the next round didn't have a commander. My overall goal was kill streaks, as I'm only 3 away from a couple of ribbons that need the highest kill streak of anyone in that round.

Came close on the last game with 10, but we lost too quick to get more. Most kills in that round was 18, so I don't know what the streak was. It was annoying because none of our squads would defend our titan. So, we had 1 guy defending it. Fortunately, the entire enemy force was defending their titan, so the 1 guy had only to kill the same 1 guy that occasionally podded over to ours. Unfortunately, my 1 guy wasn't very good, and their 1 guy was. So, that part of the battle went like this:

Enemy lands on our titan, runs in, kills Bob. Bob respawns on the titan and runs back to Enemy. Bob kills Enemy, but not before Enemy blew up one console. Enemy defends his own titan until he dies, then spawns as recon and comes back to ours again. Kills Bob, blows up console, then Bob kills Enemy again. Rinse and repeat. That 1 Enemy took out our whole Titan by himself. Why didn't I do anything? *shrug* Honestly didn't care that much. You can't die in the titan guns unless a teammate kills you. And when I was manning the titan guns, people were trying to destroy them, which meant they weren't defending the titan or capturing missile silos or attacking my consoles. It also meant my kill streak went up and I got repair points. :) So, on a personal level, I had more fun in the guns than running into the titan to kill the Enemy every 5-7 minutes, plus, it's hard to defend the titan as engineer, but you NEED to be engy to repair the guns if you wanna use them. *shrug*

Now, in previous rounds, I got a FUCKLOAD of defend kills setting my C-4 traps. Love those things. Overall, I ended up with two 10 kills streaks, but it wasn't enough to get me closer to those ribbons.