
Diary of a Slacker

I read a lot of blogs posted by professionals in the rpg industry, and here's what I see that seperates them from me; time invested. My personal goal is to spend an hour in development every day. That's an hour average, so while I spent three hours yesterday busting out a map of a huge mansion and developing the two important NPCs for the city's most prestigious inn (although it did spark an idea for ANOTHER inn I'd like to add to the published city, if not the in game one), I spent a half hour today only thinking about Myrrhlanthus.

Granted, part of that is due to the fact that I bust ass at two non-gaming jobs, run one homebrew campaign (which will also eventually be a publication), manage TORC Press's site, and occasionally give Wendy help with the wedding and house work. Still, most of those other guys have families, and some have other jobs, even if it is "merely" wearing the boss's pants at their own company. Hell, my buddy Joe over at TORC Press works as long and much harder at his job than I do at mine, and he still goes home every night and draws til his hands bleed.

It's the same deal I run into with my animation. Last month, I hit the animation hard. Then I stopped. Granted, I stopped to focus on Joe's site, but I still stopped.

The pragmatist in me knows full well that if I don't hit both industries hard, I'm not going anywhere in either. Now, in respect to gaming, it's a hobby I love and I'd just be happy with Organ Grinder selling enough product to support the hobby. Much like Joe, someone dropping me an email saying, "Hey, we just started a campaign in Myrrhlanthus dealing with river raiders and it rocks!" is about all I need to justify the work I put in.

Which means I should be animating more than I'm developing OGE stuff, but I'm not. Hopefully, wrapping up the latest batch of updates for TORC Press will see me revisting my avatar's head, but we'll see. *shrug*

Or maybe I should just stop reading blogs/development diaries of other creators. Work at my own pace, and if I get one book a year and one short piece every 2 or 3 years out, call it good.

Regardless, got some sketches back from Joe and I gotta say I've got high hopes for the art direction of the first book. I just hope I can set the page layout up to mesh with his style....


Blogger Jorge Mackton said...

Boy, I got mentioned a lot on that one.

I dunno man, everyone's got their own methods. I've got the advantage of tunnelvision. I've only got the one side thing, plus I've set myself on a sorta unofficial schedule to get stuff done on. Even then, I've sluffed off on certain things. You said it yourself, the webcomic is currently Monthly...

Just do what you can when you can. That's all anyone can do.

4:49 AM  

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