
brushing the teeth

After sleeping like crap last night, I grumpily arose from bed at 5:30 this morning in a haze of confusion and fatigue. Fishing called, so I ate some granola, had some tea and took my allergy meds. Operated on auto pilot for an hour trying to clear the cob webs out. Thus far, the most effective means has been Colgate. What is it about brushing your teeth that wakes you the fuck up? Sure, for some it's about the most activity they get in a day, but that's not the case for me. Hell, this morning I wasn't even mulling over a creative problem. Just woke me up, thoughtless as I was. I love it. I might have to utlizie this trick early in the day more often.....

Note: That's not to say are rarely brush, just that I tend to do it later, after fully awakening.


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