

Forgot to blog "yesterday." Sorry. Still don't have much to say. Just attempting to make maps in Photoshop. May have to get Illustrator, cause I can't draw a straight line with a mouse, and I'd rather buy a digital camera before buying a tablet for my PC.

And today, I realized....4 months left to save money for the wedding. Gotta start buying grooms gifts. Wish I could afford those swanky $200 lightsabers for everyone. That'd rock, and we could get some good photos out of it.


Salmon Scrambled Eggs. MMM

I got nothin today. Spent my morning retreiving a jar of lotion from the bathtub drain with a drill. Sad thing is, there's still one in there, but the plunger can't get it close enough to the top for me to reach it....damn cats. I really need to get a drain cover to take away their hoard hole.

In other news, I think I'm gonna build a book shelf. Gots me a $50 gift card for Home Depot, and I think the cat tower I've sketched out is a bit beyond my carpentry skills at present. Bookshelf here I come. Complete with carving and wood screws. And a drawer for my dice.

Oh yeah, next week when I get paid, I think I may just go buy ALL of the D&D Monster Manuals. We'll see.


all in a name

Hopefully, no one steals any of these names, registers them with the internet site service, copyrights it, then tries to charge me to use it. I may have to hunt them down and kill them. Seriously.

Regardless, here's the 2nd part of the game company poll. Here's a list of names. Everyone vote for one. Just once. Anonymous votes may count. heh.

Rabid Weasel Games (thanks Joe)
Organ Grinder Entertainment (Nick)
Hazardous Municipality Press
Skullduggery Games
Mummery Press
Rice Paper Press
Pipe Bomb Press

I had "Aerial Splendor Entertainment" too, but that's just gay. In most cases Games, Press, and Entertainment are interchangeable. The big draw to using "Entertainment" is that it could encompass more than just RPGs...if we wanted to branch into music and animation or porn.

Gaming a la cart

OK, more like a la pumpkin pie. There was no ice cream last night. But Nick did shave with homemade whipped cream. He reports it's not a good substitute.

So, our session last night went down like so. Lukas' monk was MIA. Nick couldn't find the character sheet. So rather that playing out a session that may or may not have been planned, we decided to roleplay our time in the Goliath village. Instead, we sat around and BSed until 2am. That in itself was a good time.

During the party the session turnded into, G-leaf spent a few days preparing scrolls for the upcoming journey, and Ollie and Tren decided at this point, there wasn't much point in continuing to save the world. Durbik was the only one that knew where we were going, and he would not ever tell anyone. Now, he's dead. Complete mission failure. Expect some handy co-DM patchwork in the future. Regardless, we got two weeks to figure it out. Next weekend, Nick's going camping. With a girl. Alone.

I just realized that means if we needed to Ollie, Tren and G-leaf could make it back to the base in a one night session next week under my DMage. We might do that.

And in reveiw. Batman 637. Badass. Bats and Nightwing fight a stripped down version of Amazo. No golden lasso, no power ring, no tools of any sort. Just Amazo as Amazo. Damn good battle in my eyes. And then there's the Black Mask becoming the power of bad in Gotham, and the Red Hood make some kind of bid for either power or cash. Good times. Can't wait for Acts 2 and 3 of War Games to come out in trade so I can know what lead up to this point.


need food

It's game night. Expect a full report tomorrow. Maybe a gamer's manifesto, too.

In other news, there's a new webcomic up at TorC Press. Check it out here. This time it features King Smooth again. And a BIG NOTE: There's still a few days left to score with this month's Birthday Blowout Special. Any orders sent in the mail to Joe this month get the comic (which is the best one yet), a slew of free back issues, and most importantly, a character sketch done by Joe himself (and signed). These sketches are nothing to sneeze at, either. These things went like hotcakes last year at Wizard World Chicago. We had people buying the comic just for the sketches. Hell, I bought one this month, and I already have a copy of the comic. Why? Cause I want a portrait of Halloween Man to go next to my portrait of The Amazing Shafeman above my desk. They'll both hang under my Magna Cum Laude degree.

So go to www.torcpress.com, and send Joe a check for $5 with a character name (his character's only) written in the "notes" section of the check, and he'll hook you up with some mega-sweet action.



Well, as Nick and John have already posted, Moss is heading west. Good riddance. Unlike John, I'm not into Moss in the least.

Great player? Sure, but let's see how well he does in Oakland before we decide if he's the best receiver or not. Regardless of his skills on the field, he's very unintelligent, highly confrontational, and just a bad role model in general. If the NFL were a self contained unit of its own, with little to no influence on life outside the game, I'd say who cares about the quality of Moss as a man. But it's not. The fact remains that sports and athletes are role models and should set, at the very least, a decent example of the way people that get paid millions for doing nothing should act. Leave the skullduggery to the rock stars and the pirates.

Regardless, here's a poll. What's a good name for an RPG company.



Yeah, that's a pretty crappy review, but I wanna go finish reading the shit before it hits the fan here at the hellspital.


Not much to say today. Still trying to shake off a funk from earlier, but if I dont' blog now, it won't happen.

First things first, I gotta apologize for General Joe. I had every intention of dropping the webcomic on the server at lunch, then updating the site tonight. That didn't happen, in part because of Batman Wargames, and in part because of the aforementioned funk.

And there's the blog's purpose....Batman Wargames. A review.

I nabbed Act I in the TPB series today. Damn, damn, damn good stuff. I like Batman for the same reasons I like Spiderman....it's easy to identify with them. Well, with the emotions they deal with anyway. For me. I mean Bats could easily dump all his emotional baggage onto the criminals, wrap up the crime in Gotham with one big spree of death, and clear a lot of things out, but that's not Bats. And I'm cool with that.

But I digress. For those of you unfamiliar with the War Games arc, basically, a mysterious note is delivered to all of Gotham's gangsters to meet at a location. They all do, with guards, and as expected a shooting spree erupts. 21 go in, 8 come out. Gang wars ensue. Act I is Bats and his not team performing damage control. Good stuff, cause the shit hits the fan pretty hardcore.

In further Batman news, the 3rd in the latest arc hits the stands today/tomorrow. Sweet.


Got the Eternal Life

Since everyone I know is blogging about the death by self inflicted gunshot wound (as John put it, probably not suicide, probably just a misthought drug induced experiment) of Hunter Thompson, I'll blog about something else. The death of Korn's current embodiment.

Turns out guitarist Brian "Head" Welch, one of Korn's founding members, has a new friend. A friend in Jesus. He's leaving the band, announcing the decision at Valley Bible Fellowship in Bakersfield, California, and heading off to Israel at the end of the month. When he comes back, he's turning his musical career over to God.

Now here's why I'm blogging about this. Personally, I'd not say I'm a fan of Korn, but neither do I change the station when they're on. My friends would probably say I'm decidedly not religious to boot.

What pisses me off, though, is how much flak local metal media (and prolly local metal media the nation, if not the world, over) is giving the dude. So he's leaving a lucrative career to further his religious beliefs. Big deal. How's that any different than the Arizona Cardinal player that left a lucrative football career to further his nation's beliefs? The NFL sucked his dick after he died and the media lapped that shit up, but Welch is getting a bad rap. It's the same damn thing, just a different level.

Hell, he's not even leaving the music industry, just reevaluating his place in it. People do that shit everyday. How many people out there have ever left one retail job, only to find themselves in another, possibly with better pay and different hours, but still retail?

Here's my take on it all, as I mentioned earlier to Boolah. Religion is nothing without spirituality, because the spirit and the soul are pretty much synonomous (although some would argue that a spirit is latent psychic energy, wheras the soul is really the definition of a person, who they are and what they can be). Religion is nothing without one or the other. And spirituality is damn sure a very, very, very personal thing. You decide what's right for you, within reason. (obviously, whether it seems right or not, making love to chickens is not gonna net you a trip into heaven....unless your name is Sped. But then again, perhaps your idea of heaven is simply a huge chicken hut packed to the brim with very promiscuous chickens that crave man cannons) And in the end, you decide whether your idea of the afterlife, reincarnation, or whatever is worth the sacrifices needed in this life to get there. Welch obviously decided his heaven was worth a cut in pay. Kudos to him, because I don't see enough people doing that these days.

Now. Bring on the anonymous posters that want to argue religion.



Poops. Didn't realize I haven't posted in about 5 days. Oops. Which rhymes with Poops.

Anywho. Friday was game night, but Wendy was sick and Lukas bailed on us for his woman (again). Man, if he doesn't make it next week, he's out. Which saves me a lot of creative storytelling figuring out why a monk with negative feeling towards a full half of the group is going to join a military campaign, when prior to that, he was wandering the wilderness on the "bad guys" side of the front lines... Guess we'll see.

Anyway, John hit my house, but when we called Nick there was no answer, so we (I) assumed he was asleep. Turns out his phone was just not ringing through. So, he spent the night reading, and we spent the night playing Star Wars Battlefronts. Rock.

Saturday I did miscellaneous house chores, drove around the cities wistfully looking at puppies (twas adoption day at Petsmart), and confused my self with my notes/designs for a palacial cat tower. Gotta redesign the latter and see if there's an "acceptable dog list" for our building, cause if I's sure we coulda kept them, I would have went home with either a Basenji, Schnauzer, or Husky. Sweet.

Sunday, we went sledding. John, Nick and I. Good times, specially on John's "Flexible Flyer," which is a 70's esque plastic brick meant for kids. Thing can carry 500 pounds of adult, though, as we all three piled onto it. Sweet.

After that, we were too exhausted for D&D, and Luke was prolly out with his woman again anyway.

All in all, a good weekend, even though none of it went as planned. (Just didn't feel like typing all of the mishaps, as they're trivial and I'm lazy.)



So, just to point out, I was not playing the aforementioned Puzzle ButtPirates the past few days, causing me to not blog. I was, however, playing GTA San Andreas, causing me to forget about the need to blog. Plus, I've been printing wedding stuff to be sent off like mad, so my compy was not in the best state for using.

So, V-day was alright. Nothing spectacular on this end. Dinner with a coupla hotties (Wendy was one), and lots of GTA. We don't really celebrate much, cause, unlike Christmas, there's no pressure from family or friends to partake. Just various jewelers bombarding our TV experience with every kiss beginning with K. As I've said before, where I come from, every kiss begins with "You got a purty mouf," so this is an easy made up capitalistic holiday for me to not get into. Of course, I did get Wendy some boots and chocolate, but really the 4 piece chocolate box was the only thing that can be directly tied to the day. The boots just showed up with good timing.

As for today, I got in to work to discover emails reaming me out for missing training today and not doing some required learning crap. Hell, I even got "officially coached" on it. Thing is, I never got notice or email about any of it happening. Upon further investigation into the matter, the damn trainer had removed my name from her ER group list, so I was never sent the emails. But would they remove my "officially coached" tag?

Nope. Apparently, in the case of not being informed of a requirement, I'm supposed to ask one of my coworkers about it. When I asked how I'm supposed to know when to ask a coworker, I got the old "They weren't talking about it during 'water cooler' talk?" (Not in those words of course, but that's the jyst of it.) Long story short, the only way to avoid getting written up next time is to ask everyone everyday if there's any new training or learning issues I need to know about, just in case I didn't get an email I should have. Fun.

Harkens back to the time I got in trouble because my productivity was too low. For those of you unfamiliar with my gig, I work in an Emergency Room, registering patient's insurances. So, if there's no patients (such as when I worked on the night shift), of course my productivity will be too low. Only way I could fix that is if I ran some people over when I was bored. Which I could do, because I play GTA: San Andreas a lot, and a local kid that ran over someone for hitting his car with a snowball is using that as his defense.....

The world is my burrito. Blogger's spell checker doesn't know how to spell burrito, too.



Remember Neopets and all of the mindlessly addicting games on it, complete with the opportunity to build your own house and buy furniture, as well as train your neopet for combat if you so chose? Well, I've found something similar.

At miniclip they've got a game called Puzzle Pirates. You make a pirate character and run around swashbuckling. Buy clothes, sword, etc....make a store if you want, or earn rank in the Navy. Once you've gotten enough rank, buy a deed to a ship and plunder. All of the tasks are sub-games that are all puzzles like tetris and what have you. Mindless, but still challenging enough to be engaging for an 8 hour shift at the hospital. Woot.


More ogaries

Friday night last night. Nuff said.

The adventure opened with the gang running like scared bitches from our camp, heading for some place Durbik promised us held allies. We had 8 miles to go. I think we made it 4. Maybe not, cause it seems we were pretty close, but not close enough. Regardless, I can't remember, and it doesn't much matter.

The whole time we were hounded by a mean ass ogre riding a dire wolf. He hung back out of range (not really, I think Ollie could have peppered him with arrows from a long way off if he'd wanted). Every idea G-leaf had for eliminating this scout was kind of shot down by a lack of attention.

Turned out what we thought was a scout was really the leader of a war party of 7 ogres. They finally reached us early in the morning. G-leaf brought in some eagles to harass them a bit, which did little to nothing, but it did keep the ogres from pelting us with rocks at distance. Instead, they charged. Doesn't help that we stopped instead of just keeping up the running.......

For whatever reason, none of us at that point felt the fatigue of a days worth of marching underwater followed by a night of semi-running forced march.

Regardless, Trenh bought us a little time by temporarily befriending the leader, allowing Ollie to pepper the wolf with arrows, which kind of took it out of the battle. That's pissed the leader off, though, and in he came, friends or not. A 2nd ogre charged in, while the remainder finished off the final eagle.

G-leaf reached into his bag of tricks and tossed an angry ball of fur at that 2nd ogre, which turned out to be a little ole black bear. Trenh stepped to the side a little and launched a wave of grief at the opponents, further distracting the ogre beset by the bear and making him really, really sad. Poor ogre. His mommy never really showed him any love. He doesn't want to fight, he just wants to make honey out of clover....

In the meantime, the lead ogre had roughed up Ollie a bit, but the monk Sithach and the dwarf Durbik rushed to Ollie's side. Ollie did a bit more damage, and the remaining ogres rushed us. Before they reached us, Trenh let loose with another wave of grief and two of the last four fell in a ball of tears, saddened by the loss of the fair ogre Chorlingdahal, for she had a face that could launch a thousand ships.....a thousand ships worth of men fleeing her visage.

Up until this point, the ogres had been fumbling in the dark pretty much (since they don't have low-light or darkvision and over half our party did). Rocks had missed horribly, club swings had gone awry. Toes had been stubbed. But then fate turned.

The lead ogre got a strong bead on his nearest foe and let loose with a pair of mighty, mighty swings. Approximately 64 points of critical hits later (two crits in a row), Durbik had been split in twain (complete with the tooth shooting from my mouth when I said 'twain'). Before that, we'd seen a few mysterious arrows fly from the darkness and hit a few of the ogres, but nothing much had come from it.

At the death of Durbik, though, our allies revealed their presence by turning the lead ogre into a pin cushion. The giant still had enough oomph left to mount the wolf and run like a fairy, though. Which let Ollie and G-leaf nail the bastard pretty hard, G-leaf even scoring a critical hit with a flaming sling stone. Ollie's last arrow slew the lead ogre, and the others retreated, although we heard a scuffle back down the canyon that sounded as if they didn't make it far.

Our rescuers turned out to be Goliaths...a large humanoid something akin to stone giants, but not really. They grabbed Durbik's remains and, after some interrogation, led us back to their village. The elder led a eulogy to the departed dwarf, we were shown some rough accommodations, and we camped, expecting to see the elder again later that evening.

After a brief nap (damn half elf) Trenh began acquainting himself with the villages Dawncallers, which is the Goliath's version of a bard. Ollie and G-leaf slept. Since Lukas had chosen swing dancing over D&D, we don't know what Shithead the monk did.

Tune in next week for A Little Gnome & a Lot of Stone (Men) or A Ranger, a Monk, a Druid, & a Bard Walk Into a Goliath Village (Stop Me If You've Heard This One).


Baque Paiene

Damn. Forgot what I had to blog about. I think it was inspired by Joe's blog, but I can't remember. Oh well. Get to see Pericles in about three weeks, accompanied by two hotties no less. That's what's big in my life. And D&D tomorrow night...hope we get to kill some ogres.

In other news, Batman War Games Act I comes out in TPB next week. Gonna scoop that up. Gotta remember to take War Drums to work so Count Antagonist can read it. I missed New Avengers #3, but it doesn't sound like I missed much. Think I'm gonna drop that title and toss 1/2 up on eBay, so if anyone wants it, gimme a yell before I post the auction (could be weeks, as my load of L5R cards is taking forever. Hard to dump a wad when you're only motivated to do it a few at a time.)

Not much else. Wish I could find the article about the rugby fan cutting off his nads when his team won, but I can't, so that's humor you guys miss out on. Sorry.


Superman X

Before I begin, Happy Belated Birthday to my man Joe, only 8 months younger than I. I'd call dude, but last night I figered you's MWing it, and tonight the hellspital is busy as a maggot in an all you can eat shit smorgasboard. Maybe tomorrow.

So, Mr. Singer has dropped directing X-Men 3 to hit Superman right? Well, Marvel/Fox is pretty pissed about that one for sure. Word on the street is there's a craptacular battle goin down between the studio and the actors loyal to Singer. Apparently, Jean Grey and Cyclops have opted for minor roles in Superman rather than X3, and since we all know it was looking liking Dark Phoenix was gonna be central to the X3 storyling, that's sparked some reinking for that movies script.... That's what the internet rumormills are telling me anyway.


Trans Texas Corridor

They had an article about this on NPR today. Interesting idea.

Basically, I-35, which gets the majority of Texas' transportation from the north end to Mexico is gonna be revamped. 85 miles an hour and all that. What they wanna do is expand the interstate to have dedicated lanes for automobiles and seperate lanes for semi trucks and freight vans. Parallel to that will be rail lanes for freight rail, passenger trains, and even a high speed train similar to the snazzilag in Europe. Hell, even sounds like it's gonna be elevated, as they wanna run utilities underneath it such as powerlines and waterways. That'd all be pretty cool in my book.

Cept it's not being paid for by the public. A private company is gonna fund the whole thing and make major sections of the corridor toll roads. This is apparently how they do major transport ways in France, as this company built/manages some of those.

Still, it sounds pretty interesting, and the only ecological concerns involved thus far are land rights issues (breaking up big farms and what not). I guess if it was elevated, though, that wouldn't be too much of a concern. Hell, just let the farmers tack some UV lights into the power lines to grow crops under the roadway.

If I wasn't too lazy, I'd find some links for people to read more about it, but alas, I got lots of work to do here at the hellspital. You'll just have to find out on your own. If anyone does, though, please, come back and comment on this action for me. I'm interested, but have not yet formed an opinion on the idea.


Don't Judge Too Quickly

Although I'm sure that's a blog title millions of times over, that's my title. Damn cat commercial rocked. You know the one I'm talking about. Cat spills spaghetti sauce, boyfriend rips the fucker's throat out, stuffs it in a garbage disposal and makes sweet love to his lady.... Yeah.

Don't remember what it's a commercial for, though. American Mortgage or something....

Which just goes to show you the cost of advertising is unjustified. Know what products I remember from the Superbowl (and NOT from all the reviews of the commercials this mornign)? Beers and cars. Why do I remember those? Cause they're advertised during EVERY football game. I think maybe there WASN'T a Coors commercial, but there was a Mustang commercial with a frozen guy. I only remember that one, cause we all agreed the cop should have changed clothes with the corpse, reported his squad car stolen, hopped in the 'Stang and headed south to ole Mehico.

On a totally different front, http://www.moviehole.net/news/4987.html
Evil Dead 4 baby. Yeah

Ghost in the Shell

So we got into bed a little before 1am last night after the Superbomb. At exactly 12:40am, my computer turned on. If it was the first time, I'd just think the cats wanted to look at porn or possibly post some more propaganda about what God does when you masturbate (their always trying to get me to stop so I can twirl some string for them). However, this is the third time it's happened. Third time in almost a year, so I'm not too worried, but I prolly should look into it.

Moving on, I spent most of the big game entertaining a duo of twin rugrats. If it was a boy and girl, they'da been Zan and the poor kid that can turn into a footstool. But they weren't. Was a good time, but I had to sacrifice so others could catch the view. *shrug* No big, I had fun. I think their names were Jake and um.....The Snake I think....regardless, it started with a 'T'. Maybe it didn't.

The worst kid name I came across yesterday was from Flash. I had to drop off my uniform from six months ago (you know, red leotard with the yellow lightning bolt, meant to withstand high speeds). The assistant manager at the photo studio's ready to drop, and that poor kid is gonna be named Tavan. That's only two letters removed from Tarzan. Or worst, tarpan. Hell, I'm gonna make a D&D character named Tavan Tarpanio Flashatte just for that poor boy.


Dynodungeoness Crab. Seafood from the paleolithic era.

Last night was game night. First, big up to the Monteburgher (like how I put that 'h' in there to make it more German?) and Nurse Nancy for sitting in with us, even though you weren't playing. Can't wait til we figer out how to mix ya in....and get in yer pants.

When we left our heroes, they'd just finished off a Tendriculous, partly from the inside out since Durbik was a light hors'de dwarf pickle rolled in cream cheese and ham. With very minimal debate, we decided to heal up and not camp, as it was still roughly morning. Surpisingly, four cure light wounds spells got Ollie and G-leaf back to functional, and the monk took care of himself. We forgot about Durbik.

In that time, Ollie found a butt load of copper and a nice shiny topaz for us.

Then, we were faced with a 200' climb out of the caves. Unfortunately, Durbik didn't have any magic stairs in his pocket, so we made a rope from our rope supplies and bits of the plant monster. G-leaf swagged on his levitation potion (how bout the power of flight? that good enough for ya?), grabbed Trenh and headed upstairs. After all was said and done, the poor saps in the whole had to climb about 45' before even reaching the damn rope. Ollie failed. A lot.

After many times of watching Ollie fall back into the pond, Shipteth (the monk) just headed up on his own. He made it pretty quickly. Then we had Durbik carry Ollie up to the rope. Ollie held on like a little bitch and we pulled his ass up. Durbik's a deep warden, so with the proper tools (and he's the most proper tool there is) he climbs like a mofo.

Still half beaten and slightly exhausted, we headed off for a good spot to camp, according to Durbik. In route, we saw an ogre scout party about two miles away. Then we lost em.

They came back in the middle of the night. A direct hit from G-leaf's flaming sling of doom exacerbated the combat (as an afterthought, we shoulda dropped a coupla invisible peeps behind em, but hey, Gleaf's a man of action and these ideas sometimes come too late. He'll store it for next time). I personally wasn't paying too much attention and made a few strategic mistakes. Oops.

Of course, when the ogres charged, the monk, Durbik and Ollie just waded in. Missing a prime opportunity to heal some party wounds, the monk fought along side Durbik, leaving Ollie to fight an ogre one on one. Trenh started singing and launching ineffective electrical arrows to the moon. Wendy was REALLY tired though, and I'd strong armed her to come, so she's forgiven.

Tactical error number one, Gleaf dropped his harrier on the oger facing Durbik and the monk, leaving Ollie one on one, but the other ogre suffering three on one.

Hack and slash ensued. A good color spray from Gleaf combined with Trenh's bard music to land six hits for our team and avoid four from the ogres. A critical hit from the monk brought down the swarmed ogre and the other ran away. Ollie scored a crit on the fleeing ogre's ass, but it wasn't enough. He made his escape.

Tactical mistake number two, I always forget Gleaf still has his familiar with him. He sent the leopard, dog, and monkey away (and now that I have 3.5 rules, he'll have to redo the companion thing anyway), but the raven stayed. Always forget that. Why's it important? Produce flame. Gleaf cast that after the color spray. It can be delivered as a touch spell, and the familiar can deliver touch spells for the G. When the ogre ran away, the raven could have given chase complete with flaming claws.

Tactical error number three. I believe twice Gleaf threw flaming balls at the ogres in combat. This spell makes either melee or ranged touch attacks. Touch attacks only figure in size, Dex, and deflection mods. Now, ogres have a -1 size mod to AC, and gnomes get a +4 to attack against giants (which ogres are). The raven would have had a +2 or 3 because of his size and maybe the +4 for Gleaf's giant knowledge. So, even if the ogres had high Dex's or rings of protection, we're still looking at an AC of 13-15, with a +13 to hit on ranged attacks and +10 on touch attacks. I know I'da hit once. Maybe 6-11 points of damage woulda made a difference, maybe not. Regardless, oops on my part.

At that point, we packed up camp and headed off for an 8 mile midnight hike to a safe spot, according to Durbik. Forced march kind of thing, so if we don't get rest soon, we're fucked, because as is, all of us except Durbik and Ollie will be fatigued, and that's no good.

Overall, a fun game. I hope the guests had fun imagining Ollie sliding down the water fall time and time again. I sure did. Good job to Nick, too. I just realized the only rules argument we had wasn't really a rules argument. Twas a misunderstading about how a spell worked, AND it didn't matter, cause Gleaf hadn't prepared the spell yet anyway. Propalicious Nickemon.

And I have to say, cliffhangers rock. Ending the session with our characters in such dire straits has me jonesin for next Friday all ready. If not for commitments tomorrow, I'd willingly sacrifice the big game to get another session in. Maybe I can swing something tonight if Wendy doesn't go party with a salsa club or some "huggable" lesbians.....

Tune in next time for "Hi Ho, Hi Ho, by ogres we're crushed Hi Ho" or "Monteburgher and Nurse Nancy, Beautiful Elves of Light, Open a Portal to Bliss and Save Us All."

Note: By "huggable" I do mean gordo, large, gargantuan, and to break it into D&D terms, Legendary Dire Monstrous Lesbians.



Tonights D&D again. The DM tempts me with knowledge that a main event is coming up. Should be fun. Hopefully we get started early enough. Regardless, we gotta decide right away whether to camp in the wet caves or climb out and risk finding an ogre army waiting for us. Hell, G-leaf's still totin a Harrier, a dire rat, and an angry badger. I'm all for climbing out.

Not much else. If anyone else's browser gets hijacked by a mega bible site trying to read my blog, let me know. I'm worried it's just my computer here, though. I may have to start giving money to Norton. :( That's what I get for letting the woman use my compy, I guess....


Mirrormask: Neil Gamain & the Hensens

Here's a link to Gaimain's site and his write up about the flick. There's a link to the trailer there, too.



smog fog & blog

So, this morning we woke up to the news reporting some smoggy fog action. What? It's Saint Paul, where's the smog coming from? Apparently, some wacky weather action has decided to kill us all. Maybe God's just pissed at Nick and myself for all the kittens we've eliminated in the past. Good thing I've got a woman, or it might be full on genocide.

Regardless, I woke my ass up to a full head of congestion because of this shit. Been sneezing all day. Sucks balls.

Enough of the bitching, though. There's a new webcomic up at TorC Press. Thanks to Joe's poll, Wendy scored first with an "aliceislost" issue. Check his blog to see the full run up of the next few installments. Personally, I hope there's a Valentine's Day edition, too. Maybe Pengy finds a girl penguin looking a little lonely in Mud Village.... If not, I'm with Boolah, Cactus Joe nudes....


First reply negative

Well, about a week or so ago, I dropped a query letter off to Dragon magazine about a "Spellcraft" article containing spells dealing with food. My first submission query, so I wasn't expecting too much....figered I'd start small. Guess I should start smaller.

Props to them for apologizing for taking a WHOLE week to respond (I's actually expecting a response sometime next month) and also for sending a personal response. Kind of baffled about that response, though. They suggested I reread the submission guidelines, which I'd done before sending the letter. I did reread them, though, and can't see where I steered wrong. Only thing I can figure is 1950 is too close to 2000 words, which is the Spellcraft limit.

Oh well, next time maybe. I'm thinking I'll go ahead and suggest the rules article I haven't had time to test and maybe the holiday "Ecologies of..." articles I thought up, even though neither of the two ecologies are even outlined (in fact, I've not even solidified the stats for either of the races). That may be the secret to my success on this cockamamy idea.....fly by the seat of my pants.

On a similar, but different, D&D note...I've now found two published adventures I want to run in the next set, and since Nick and I decided he'd not run another adventure until we reach a certain specific destination, that means AT LEAST five adventures I'm running, four of which are made. I'm just throwing that in as a snub to Nick for rarely having the gaming night planned out ahead of time. (Now he's gonna post that he doesn't have a job that lets him make up adventures while on the clock. To which I'll reply that now, there's gonna be FIVE adventures worth of time to get the next one done.) Hopefully of the three fresh adventures I've got, one or two of them will be fun enough that I can submit them to Dugneon magazine.

Why all the submissions? Cause I'd like to pay for at least part of my wedding by playing D&D. That'd be bad ass. If not, maybe pay for part of a new car. I'll get a Focus, slap some bull horns on the hood and name it the Minotaur. Or maybe the Minoford. Yeah.