

The fam came and went. Readers, I hope your Fourth was as fun as mine. Hopefully, the familiy visit went as well as they say it did, and they'll come back sometime.

Breif recaps

- As mentioned, the family was here for four days. We hit the Science Museum of Minnesota, shopped, played Phase 10 and Wii, and ate at Fuji Ya, Everest on Grand, Khan's, and the Uptowner. Good times. My little bro (almost 6'6") is starting his own D&D campaign. I'm so proud.

- Work on the Gen Con mega adventure continues. I think I figured out the setting for my second artifact. Now I just need to stat it out, get Nick's character stats and post the sign up sheet online. I think maybe I'll do the latter first, as that'll give me more incentive to get shit written up... Also, continuing to meet with Nick every Sunday might help. Gen Con's only a month away!

- Picked up Expanded Psionics Handbook. Strangely enough, the book helped me narrow what I wanted the Borderlands to be in Iorthim. That's strange because I'm thinking Wild West. How did I get that from psionics, which play such a minimal role anywhere in the setting anyway?

- The Savage Tide continues. In our last game, the group shopped, then headed out to find Vanthus Vanderboren. The shopping was almost a full session itself, but it did a lot to secure the party as friends, boost some interesting dynamics, and bring out some personal story for a few of the characters. Pulled Kord more heavily into Bill's life, exerted a little more independance and pomp from Satanos, fortified Kima's feeling of loss for Oreana and accentuated her strangely placed girlyness, and put Nyfel on the fringes of the group where he belongs. Everyone's having fun, and looking forward to Wednesday nights. Whoot.

- I need a Wii.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

I need a Wii too. I just read that in Manhunt 2 from Rockstar you use the Wii remotes to motion slashing someone's throat, as well as stabbing them with a hypodermic needle.


5:42 AM  

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