
2nd day

Caught Daywatch this weekend with Nick. Good fuckin flick. Nick was a little displeased with a deus ex machina twist at the end, and I'll admit that given just the two flicks it does seem that's the case. Not having read the books yet, I'm reserving the displeasure until I know for sure if the twist actually has something to do with the final part of the trilogy or not.

Other than that, there isn't much to complain about if you take the story for what it is in the setting it builds. I definitely have to read the trilogy to see what's missing. Either way, toss the DVD on your Netflix for TOMORROW and then catch the movie while you still can. Unless you've seen Nightwatch, then get your ass to the theater.

Oh, and if you've seen Ice Pirates, tell me whether you think the "sex" scene with Anton/Olga/Sveta is inspired by the "sex" scene in Ice Pirates...

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Nick and I are planning on running an Epic level adventure at Gen Con. If enough people sign up, we'll have two teams chasing an artifact, racing each other for a wish. So far, my team is thus:

Incarnate Golem Monk 17. With a 100 ft move and Spring Attack, this bad boy controls the field. His Tumble of 23ish means he's going where he wants to go. Nearly 250 hit points, an AC of 40, and a flurry of blows for six attacks (half of which are at +33 to hit) all combine to mean he's there to stay when he's decided to.

Dwarf Rogue 10/Dwarven Defender 10. A Bluff of 23 means this guy applies his 5d6 sneak attack A LOT. With an attack similar to the monk, minus the flurry of blows, he hits a lot, too. Viatka, his keen dwarven waraxe of frosty chaotic outsider bane +5 just adds to the fun. Spending most of his cash on AC pumped his up to 46. Which is good, cause he's got less hit points than the monk.

Aasimar Sorcerer 4/Cleric 5/Mystic Theurge 10. I've barely even though about this guy, but he'll be able to cast over 90 spells PER DAY. That's hardcore.

Human Wizard 16/Archmage 4. Slowly working on this guy. Spell-like ability dispel magic 4/day combined with Mastery of Counterspelling means that at least four times a day he's sending a spell targeting him right back at the caster... Master of Shaping makes his area effects even more potent. Hell, I might just make the dude an Evoker rather than a wizard. Oh, did I mention he can automatically quicken any of his spells up to 3rd level?

All I can say is, "It's not fair. These are bad ass characters, and I don't get to play any of them." :(

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Phil got a PS3. His woman felt bad for him and let him get one because they just had a baby. Not sure how that works, but there you go. Score for him. Got to play it a little last night.

True to form, the graphics are pretty damn impressive. He has a motocross type game and Need for Speed:Carbon, and has downloaded a ton of demos. Didn't play NfS. The motocross game was a blast, but it was disappointing in that multi-player was online only. Phil had bought a 2nd controller so we could do some racing, then come to find out, nope. Did a little bit on the Grand Turismo demo, but other than graphics, I didn't see much difference between that game and the one I have for the first Playstation.

Played the demo for Ninja Gaiden Sigma. Holy shit is that game bad ass. If the PS3 makes down into my "spend on a console" range, say $200-$300, I might get one just for that game. It was frickin' sweet. I don't normally like demos, either.

We also played Super Rub a Dub, which is a rubber ducky kids game that just uses the tilt axis of the controllers. Fun as hell when you're drinking. Those games are great.

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