
yaay gama & gampa

That's right. Found out today my grandparents and Aunt Judy are rockin the wedding from southern Illinois. Can't even begin to say how excited that makes me. Sweet. Love em.

Not much else here. Slow day. Wrapped a coupla clerics for the temple in Myrrhlanthus, still got a couple more and a pally or two. Then a map and that parts ready to write. After that, coupla major economic and politcal players, map the major inn and I'm all caught up. SHOULD be able to get that done this weekend, depending on which campaign we play and how much planning I have to do with it. That remains to be seen, though. Regardless, hopefully I can get at least one of the clerics done tonight at work. We'll see.

Not much else. Still hung up on major design issues with the TORC Press RPG, but I got the final cast member for the website over there about half done. Course, that's cause I did the easy half first....


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