
Put your cap back on

Well, it's the end of the month. February. Usually gaming shit takes off late in the year and dies down mid-summer for us, but this season was backwards. It died down late fall when we started house/apartment hunting like mad. It's just now rejuvenating.

As I've mentioned, Shadowrun is back, and our Australian characters are in Hong Kong. I'm disappointed for two reasons. 1 - We weren't made for this environment, so it's a fish out of water story, but without the associated fish out of wateryness. Which leads to 2 - Hong Kong is a city of public face. It's everything. We're brash, abrasive, uncouth, and in Baru's case, poorly educated, yet not once have we stumbled into a brawl for insulting some schmuck. Granted, your average human asian laborer isn't gonna nut shot a mystical orc or cybered troll in full camo, but you'd think in two weeks or so at least some ganger or Triad kid would throw down. *shrug*

And tonight, we hit it Elder God style. John and Wendy are pitching up characters for a trifecta of Cthulu story arcs I have in mind. Three eras, three generations of characters interrelated by family, friends, location, and/or plot. Should be fun. I've been thnking about it, and I can weave the 1890's and current plot lines simultaneously, but the 1920's St. Paul is heavily dependant on the 1890's, at least at the beginning, so unless I wanna give those characters full on short term amnesia, that ones gotta wait. That, unfortunately, means the current era has to wait as well, otherwise it would give too much away. *sigh*

And that's that. Two submissions into Paizo that have yet to be shot down by the Gray Render, so they might make it to the meeting, whenever that is. Started some fun research on a pseudo-campaign setting to pitch to the 3rd party market. Good times.


in bed with a 1 ton woman

Just saw a video from the news in Boston, they had a low-speed cop chase. The police were following a 2000 pound Scottish heifer. Best part was hearing the cop giggle in the background of his traffic cam.

So, last night I played some 2142. Was working on my silver Titan Commander Badge. I'd finally reached the 1000 titan commander point requirement, so all I needed was 20 minutes as commander in a round. That's no problem, as my team wasn't good enough to sweep the other guys (although we got sweeped the game before cause that commander sucked).

The round starts as usual, I move the titan into range of its guns and start defending a few silos on my own. We start winning, enemy shields go down, they stop us from hitting their titan from the inside, but then the same happens on our side - Our shields go down, but most of the team stays in our titan to defend. So, we have two squads out battling for silos, one in the enemy titan, and 14 stragglers not in squads defending our titan. Let me reiterate. WE ARE WINNING.

So, I'm not sure which dude did it - once someone asked for a UAV, but it was deployed elsewhere, and once a sniper asked for a supply crate, but it was recharging after I dropped one for a tank and battlewalker. Maybe it was one of those guys, maybe not. I'm in a titan gun, in a rousing battle with four engineers that kept blowing up the titan guns. We had three engys on the titan repairing our guns, hopping in and blowing those guys up. Nobody would take that silo, easy as it was sitting under our titan like that. Our guys just ignored it. All of a sudden, one of the clan members of the server I'm in kills me, shoots me flat out in the back of the head. No way this was an accident either, I'm in a shielded hangar surrounded by nothing but friendlies. Hell yeah I punish the guy for a team kill. So, I spawn back there. He's nowhere to be found. He didn't kill me cause he wanted my seat, didn't mutiny cause he wanted to be commander, didn't respond to "Why did you just shoot the commander in the back of the head," nothing.

Regardless, we won, and I left the server. My warning to you is this
(=A=) clan has some rude and stupid players on their clan. Don't play on their server.


Bossanova. Chevy Nova?

That's right. CG Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Out in March. I love it.

What's new here?

In the gaming world, Shadowrun has geared back up with Gaz and Baru heading to Hong Kong to hunt for Dreamstones (bleh) and their lost sister (meh). It's really annoying but we're makin the best of it. What's annoying about it? We made characters for the Outback. For survival. For hunting magical beasts. Now we're in a city where everything you do insults someone's honor, and we're really insulting. Our current adventure has us trying to outscam a scammer triad, and while Nick and I have tons of ideas, Baru and Gaz don't. The other character in the group is a pirate, so he should be knocking this shit out, but he's not. His idea isn't bad, but I still can't piece together how this plan is gonna get us the book we need. Supposedly it'll get us into the gang, and once we're on the inside, we're past the magical wards and just have to whack "30-40 personal guards" and we're fine. *shrug* We'll see. It's still good to be gaming again. Just wish the adventure was ready to go when we fuckin got there.

On Wednesday nights, the request has went up for Call of Cthulu in a campaign setting. So, we'll be starting up the trifecta campaign. Three characters per player, each in a different era, each intertwined into the same plot. Good times. I think I can get by with running the 1920's and 1890's parallel and putting the present era as an endgame. Should be fun.

Politics? Haven't been paying attention. With 21 months til the election I could care less about who's exploring the presidency. So far, none of the Dems have turned me on in the race against Coleman, and you'd think that wouldn't be hard, cause I fucking hate that guy. How do you vote against Kerry for flip-flopping, but Coleman, who was Dem, but now smokes Bush cock, was put in 2 years before. And look at him now vs. pre-war. Then - We gotta kill Saddam or the terrorists will be in America raping our goats. Now - We gotta get out of Iraq or the world won't be safe anymore because Iran will drive up the price of caviar. He just rolls onto his back for whomever can keep him in office doesn't he? Not who I want representing my state. Then there's all the crazy fuckers that I can't do anything about. Michelle Bachman for one. WTF? What cooch monger got her elected? When did the permanently insane get to lead the country?

And here's where I should put in a conclusive paragraph, but I have none. Still no word from Paizo. Tonight I'll either finish up a Critical Threat submission or work on the campaign. I hope.


New schedule

So, on the phone, on hold, I started developing rules for a new CCG. Nick gave me a kick ass idea on how to improve it, and then we learned there was already one out there similar that bombed.

Before that, though, I'd come up with a sort of after work production schedule for my three big projects right now - updated Joe's site, the CCG, and a partial campaign setting to pitch to a couple of pdf d20 publishers. The CCG was #2 on the list, since I'm sure it's such a good system the collective human subconscious will take it from me and give it to someone else if I don't pitch it to the right company soon.

However, since it's less likely to get bought because it's already been done a little differently and failed.... it's dropped to #3. So, the new production schedule is thus:

Mon/Tues - campaign
Wed - game night
Thur/Fri - TORC Press
Sat - Whichever one I feel like
Sun - CCG and game night

Of course, those are all interrupted by real life. This Monday I worked on taxes. Last night I rearranged the den and started working on (mostly finished in fact) a Photoshop project for Wendy. Still need to finish reupholstering the chairs. And there's always Battlefield to play. ;)

Regardless, that's that. Happy VD Day everyone.

Oh yeah, and I have a couple of ideas for Paizo submissions. I have to get another one together by the end of February, since Wendy and I made a deal to goad/conjole/push/pork/entice/etc each other into hitting the short market harder. I can usually work on them at work, though. lol