
A menagerie of thought

I used to think menageries were dirty. I used to not know what the word meant. Anyway....

Lessee. Great fricking wrap up to his camping trip from earlier this month over at Nick's blog. Just makes you wanna go out and leave civilization behind. New updates over at TORC Press, too. I got El Gorio up, meaning I'm set on major updates over there until SDF:Odd Jobs comes out.

News? Well, lessee, everyone's bitching about the Prez's speech. My thoughts? Let's focus on something important than we can change, not something that's done and over. Like, I don't know, maybe the massive PR blitz that China's pushing to win over the hearts and minds of Americans for their purchase of Unical. Seriously, the loss of our third largest oil producer is WAY more important than how many times the President referenced the World Trade Center in a speech about why we're not leaving Iraq right now.

As for my thoughts on Iraq, here's a not so brief analogy:

Let's say 12 years ago, you won a drawing to have the roof replaced on your house. The company to do the replacement contacted you, excited, but could only advise you initially until YOU had removed your old roof. Halfway through removing your roof, you realize there's no advice coming your way and give up.

Fast forward to two years ago, when the company contacts you again. They're under new ownership, really sorry for the previous mistake and completely ready to rebuild your roof. The come in like a berserker, completely removing your old roof in record time. But then they subcontract the rebuilding and that doesn't go so well. A few storms slow progress, and today, two years later, the new roof STILL isn't finished, and worse off, it's now more leaky and less secure than before the company started working on it.

Now, I realize some of us would just be happy kicking them out and redoing the roof ourselves, but people with no roofing experience aren't likely to go the do-it-yourself route. Some people might just get a new roofing company. Regardless, most importantly, would you and your neighbors think worse of the company if it struggled to get the job done, but finally made it, or would they think worse of the company if they just up and left again, without finishing your roof?


Blogger Jorge Mackton said...

I call them roofers fuckers and never want anything to do with them ever again. And I'd call up all my friends and tell them that those roofers suck ass and are unreliable and that they should never call those roofers to fix their roof either. Then I'd probably sue em. Especially considering the roofers just randomly showed one day without me ever hiring them in the first place and not tore up my roof, but also busted most of my windows, killed my cat, and ripped up my TV antennae. Now, I'm not saying my house was in all that great a shape before, but I really do miss that cat.

4:27 AM  

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