
Don't Judge Too Quickly

Although I'm sure that's a blog title millions of times over, that's my title. Damn cat commercial rocked. You know the one I'm talking about. Cat spills spaghetti sauce, boyfriend rips the fucker's throat out, stuffs it in a garbage disposal and makes sweet love to his lady.... Yeah.

Don't remember what it's a commercial for, though. American Mortgage or something....

Which just goes to show you the cost of advertising is unjustified. Know what products I remember from the Superbowl (and NOT from all the reviews of the commercials this mornign)? Beers and cars. Why do I remember those? Cause they're advertised during EVERY football game. I think maybe there WASN'T a Coors commercial, but there was a Mustang commercial with a frozen guy. I only remember that one, cause we all agreed the cop should have changed clothes with the corpse, reported his squad car stolen, hopped in the 'Stang and headed south to ole Mehico.

On a totally different front, http://www.moviehole.net/news/4987.html
Evil Dead 4 baby. Yeah


Blogger Jorge Mackton said...

Actually, there are only two truly effective types of advertising: 1) Movie ads and 2) Ads for a brand new product that clearly displays the new product. Everything else is an excercise in masterbation: possibly enjoyable, but not result in much besides a mess.

4:41 AM  

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