

Well, as Nick and John have already posted, Moss is heading west. Good riddance. Unlike John, I'm not into Moss in the least.

Great player? Sure, but let's see how well he does in Oakland before we decide if he's the best receiver or not. Regardless of his skills on the field, he's very unintelligent, highly confrontational, and just a bad role model in general. If the NFL were a self contained unit of its own, with little to no influence on life outside the game, I'd say who cares about the quality of Moss as a man. But it's not. The fact remains that sports and athletes are role models and should set, at the very least, a decent example of the way people that get paid millions for doing nothing should act. Leave the skullduggery to the rock stars and the pirates.

Regardless, here's a poll. What's a good name for an RPG company.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

That's just a big powder keg in Oaktown now. Randy Moss, Ronald Curry, and Jerry Porter isn't all going to be happy sharing snaps I doubt.

Kerry Collins is a safe ninth round fantasy pick now though.

It'll all be worth it if Minn. gets more D from the draft and can get ahold of some decent WRs on the market.

In conclusion, Go Tampa Bay!

This response was like a blog I was going to write about, btw.

7:19 PM  
Blogger Jorge Mackton said...

Actually, most rich people are pretty horrible people anyway, so you might as well give the guy points for being honest about how big an ass he is. Their Karmic Payback is their emptyness. Always remember that at night when the pigs squeal for mercy.

RPG Company Names: DBS Games, Rabid Weasel Games, Nuclear Games, Straight Down the Middle Games, Fear of Games, A Thousand Nightmares Games, In Service to the Unholy Games, Games? Fuck Yeah We Gots Games.

4:35 AM  

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