
First reply negative

Well, about a week or so ago, I dropped a query letter off to Dragon magazine about a "Spellcraft" article containing spells dealing with food. My first submission query, so I wasn't expecting too much....figered I'd start small. Guess I should start smaller.

Props to them for apologizing for taking a WHOLE week to respond (I's actually expecting a response sometime next month) and also for sending a personal response. Kind of baffled about that response, though. They suggested I reread the submission guidelines, which I'd done before sending the letter. I did reread them, though, and can't see where I steered wrong. Only thing I can figure is 1950 is too close to 2000 words, which is the Spellcraft limit.

Oh well, next time maybe. I'm thinking I'll go ahead and suggest the rules article I haven't had time to test and maybe the holiday "Ecologies of..." articles I thought up, even though neither of the two ecologies are even outlined (in fact, I've not even solidified the stats for either of the races). That may be the secret to my success on this cockamamy idea.....fly by the seat of my pants.

On a similar, but different, D&D note...I've now found two published adventures I want to run in the next set, and since Nick and I decided he'd not run another adventure until we reach a certain specific destination, that means AT LEAST five adventures I'm running, four of which are made. I'm just throwing that in as a snub to Nick for rarely having the gaming night planned out ahead of time. (Now he's gonna post that he doesn't have a job that lets him make up adventures while on the clock. To which I'll reply that now, there's gonna be FIVE adventures worth of time to get the next one done.) Hopefully of the three fresh adventures I've got, one or two of them will be fun enough that I can submit them to Dugneon magazine.

Why all the submissions? Cause I'd like to pay for at least part of my wedding by playing D&D. That'd be bad ass. If not, maybe pay for part of a new car. I'll get a Focus, slap some bull horns on the hood and name it the Minotaur. Or maybe the Minoford. Yeah.


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