

Not much to say today. Still trying to shake off a funk from earlier, but if I dont' blog now, it won't happen.

First things first, I gotta apologize for General Joe. I had every intention of dropping the webcomic on the server at lunch, then updating the site tonight. That didn't happen, in part because of Batman Wargames, and in part because of the aforementioned funk.

And there's the blog's purpose....Batman Wargames. A review.

I nabbed Act I in the TPB series today. Damn, damn, damn good stuff. I like Batman for the same reasons I like Spiderman....it's easy to identify with them. Well, with the emotions they deal with anyway. For me. I mean Bats could easily dump all his emotional baggage onto the criminals, wrap up the crime in Gotham with one big spree of death, and clear a lot of things out, but that's not Bats. And I'm cool with that.

But I digress. For those of you unfamiliar with the War Games arc, basically, a mysterious note is delivered to all of Gotham's gangsters to meet at a location. They all do, with guards, and as expected a shooting spree erupts. 21 go in, 8 come out. Gang wars ensue. Act I is Bats and his not team performing damage control. Good stuff, cause the shit hits the fan pretty hardcore.

In further Batman news, the 3rd in the latest arc hits the stands today/tomorrow. Sweet.


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