

So, just to point out, I was not playing the aforementioned Puzzle ButtPirates the past few days, causing me to not blog. I was, however, playing GTA San Andreas, causing me to forget about the need to blog. Plus, I've been printing wedding stuff to be sent off like mad, so my compy was not in the best state for using.

So, V-day was alright. Nothing spectacular on this end. Dinner with a coupla hotties (Wendy was one), and lots of GTA. We don't really celebrate much, cause, unlike Christmas, there's no pressure from family or friends to partake. Just various jewelers bombarding our TV experience with every kiss beginning with K. As I've said before, where I come from, every kiss begins with "You got a purty mouf," so this is an easy made up capitalistic holiday for me to not get into. Of course, I did get Wendy some boots and chocolate, but really the 4 piece chocolate box was the only thing that can be directly tied to the day. The boots just showed up with good timing.

As for today, I got in to work to discover emails reaming me out for missing training today and not doing some required learning crap. Hell, I even got "officially coached" on it. Thing is, I never got notice or email about any of it happening. Upon further investigation into the matter, the damn trainer had removed my name from her ER group list, so I was never sent the emails. But would they remove my "officially coached" tag?

Nope. Apparently, in the case of not being informed of a requirement, I'm supposed to ask one of my coworkers about it. When I asked how I'm supposed to know when to ask a coworker, I got the old "They weren't talking about it during 'water cooler' talk?" (Not in those words of course, but that's the jyst of it.) Long story short, the only way to avoid getting written up next time is to ask everyone everyday if there's any new training or learning issues I need to know about, just in case I didn't get an email I should have. Fun.

Harkens back to the time I got in trouble because my productivity was too low. For those of you unfamiliar with my gig, I work in an Emergency Room, registering patient's insurances. So, if there's no patients (such as when I worked on the night shift), of course my productivity will be too low. Only way I could fix that is if I ran some people over when I was bored. Which I could do, because I play GTA: San Andreas a lot, and a local kid that ran over someone for hitting his car with a snowball is using that as his defense.....

The world is my burrito. Blogger's spell checker doesn't know how to spell burrito, too.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Actually, if you're talking from around here, every kiss begins with either "do you have a nice truck?" or "so you have money right?" or even "yeah...I WILL be 18 soon."

Do you have an XBox? It seems all the cool Star Wars games come out for that system. I read where the StormTrooper Commando game had the best AI for a platoon of soldiers ever.

3:31 PM  

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