
Reef suppression

Dig this link. Off the coast of Florida, the Navy and co. scuttled an old Essex class carrier. The goal was to sink it upright and let it become an artificial reef. That would not only create some habitat in the area, but bring in a little economy in the form of sports fishermen and divers. Not a bad plan, and it sounds like the EPA road their ass hard about pollutants. Check out the link, cause there's A LOT of really good high res photos of the boat going down. Can't wait to see it on the History Channel, cause there was a film crew with two cameras underwater there.

As for the suppression part of the title, I like cars. A lot. That's because I like driving a lot. Having an Aspire is a rough state of being in that case. Aspires are fun to drive, don't get me wrong. It's fun in a sort of Mario Kart style, though. It's like being at the go-kart track and having a fast kart, or having a normal kart but weighing at least 80 pounds less than anyone else. It's still better than being at the kart track and having the slowest kart out there regardless of weight, though. After almost six years of the Aspire, I hadn't even noticed I'd been driving less, nor had I noticed that I'd completely suppressed that car liking side of things.

So yeah, the new Mazda is a good thing. There's something to be said about being in traffic, deciding you want to be at a certain spot, and KNOWING you've got what it takes in control, acceleration, and braking to get there, with the same kind of efficiency as the "just in time" techniques that Dell Computer made popular in the business world. We'll see how it handles a road trip in a couple of weeks, but for now, the thing is perfect for the work and local conditions it's getting now.



6 Disc Changer with an odd hodge podge of 5 discs in it. Right now, we're rolling with the following:

John's Mega Misfits Mash - Something like 34 of the greatest Misfits tunes from JH (gracias)
Jackyl - Relentless (the latest album, with "I'm on Fire" currently my favorite tune on the disc
Gorillaz - Demon Days
Quarachi - Stick 'Em Up
Danger Doom - The Mouse and the Mask (right now, #3 "THE MASK FEAT. GHOSTFACE KILLAH " is my fav tune)

Now, combine that with 12 FM presets and you've got the breadth of musical enjoyment covered (as long as you can stand commercialized radio's super tight playlists).

But then, today, I got a 10% online coupon from Best Buy for two days only and thought I might just grab an assload of CDs to cruise in the car. My first thought was to hit GnR up for a bit of Chinese Democracy, but that thing is still in the ether trapped by a muse that needs more cocaine and some serious psychiatric help. That, and the fact that I already have a lot of the hair metal I really, really love, has me stuck at 4 cds (3 of which are GnR), and one of those I might not get/need. Right now, it's looking like this:

GnR - Appetite, and both Use Your Illusions
Motley Crue - Dr. Feelgood

I was also thinking about the Crue's Decade of Decadence. Then I found this collection on Amazon! Actually, though, a lot of the tunes on that collection are way out of my hair metal league. Still, Lita Ford..... hehe.

Any suggestions?



Happy Memorial Day, Memorizing Day (thanks Country, the ladies dig that one), Mesmerizing Day, or whatever you might choose to call it. Big up to the vets that made sure I could write this blog and be generally disgruntled.


Hmm. Was the movie a good time? Yeah. Was it a good X-men movie? Sure, but not as good as the first two. Too many characters got too little time in my book. After watching it twice, I can say the only scene that really got me the second time is one of the scenes I can't talk about for those that haven't seen the flick. The climactic action scene was pretty a pretty good time, but it had it's cheesy moments. Regardless, decent flick, worth watching, specially if you're a fan. Stay til the credits are over. Takes a bit of the finality out of the "Last Stand" part of things, but it's cool.

Mazda 3 i touring
Got one of these little guys this weekend. I say little, cause it falls into the compact category, but Nick's 6' something and he's super comfortable in the passenger seat. The back seat has significantly less leg room, but I've yet to do more than "sit behind myself" on the back seat testing. The trunk seems cavernous, too.

The "i touring" designation has a 2.0 L engine, which seems peppy enough to me. I'm coming off an Aspire, though, so electric wheelchairs seem peppy. Regardless, I'm satisfied with the engine response. There's little road or wind noise that makes it into the cab, so I have to relearn how to drive in a silent car. lol. It's easy to do 80 and not notice. Fun, too. :)

The suspension seems a little stiff on road bumps, but damn it's nice on the corners. On the 20mph downhill slalom at the end of Snelling Ave, the only reason I kept it at 40 was because I couldn't see oncoming traffic around the corners. Block that strip off, and I bet 50's no problem, possibly higher. Since I like corners (Real men turn both ways), I like the car.

My only real beefs with the car right now are functionality in the 6 disc changer. Not a feature I required, but the only 3 on the lot with ABS and side airbags had a moonroof and 6 disc changer. Annoyingly, the random feature on the disc changer only randomizes the current CD. It'd be nice if random play covered all songs on all discs. *shrug* Not a big deal, though, really. Considering how slow it changes discs, there'd be considerable lag between songs if it switched between discs anyway.

I'm sure I'll find a few other annoyances as I drive, but so far, so good.


Dr. Mario

Here you go. A recent study shows that doctors that play video games for awhile before performing laporascopic surgery perform faster and with fewer mistakes than those that don't. Hehe. Wander if I can convince our doctors here that they should play a few rounds of BF2 with/against their patients before performing on them. That'd totally rock in my book. Hehe.

Just further reinforces that video games increase your hand eye coordination.


spreading democracy

It's good to know that legal liability is starting to replace personal responsibility in China, just like it did here. A family is sueing the distributors of a Warcraft game after their son killed himself because of the game.

Here's the goofy shit here. Number one, the company they're sueing didn't start up until 8 months after the suicide. Good job to the prosecuting lawyer on that one.

Number two, the kid killed himself after playing the game for 36 hours straight. Now, in China, there's not nearly the prevalence of high speed interent connections at home, so this kid played the game for that long in a public game hall. That means he wasn't home for AT LEAST that long. Now, if my kid missed dinner, breakfast, lunch, and dinner, I'd be a bit worried. I guess it's not that big a deal when you let TV, video games, or whatever entertainment that doesn't require effort on your part as a parent be the babysitter for your kid. It's prolly more expensive to pay a babysitter in China than it is to pay for one and a half days of hardcore gaming for your kid. Huh.

Still, it's good to know that parenting has gone down hill the world over. Not just in the states.


Punching Out the Gas Prices

Still no car. Game night tonight and I'm working on getting into character for a few of the NPCs I think the players will encounter. No news there.

Instead, I bring you these two headlines.

The first is just a bunch of marketing hooley bahlooh from GM. In order to help sell their gas guzzling, high profit beasties, their starting a trial program in FL and CA. If you buy certain models (including the H2 and H3 in CA) you get a little gas card to use. Each month, you get a rebate on your gas card from GM that is the difference between the price of gas and $1.99/gallon. That's based on the feedback of miles driven from your Onstar car monitor you have to buy (1st year is free) and the EPA rated mpg the vehicle should get. I'm pretty sure we all know how inaccurate the EPA rating is. Especially considering how nutso traffic is in those two states.

Apparently, it's more cost effective for GM to pay the difference than it is for them to design practical vehicles that would do everyone some good. I mean seriously, what's their most fuel efficient vehicle? The Aveo? 34 or 35 mpg. The Corolla gets better than that and it's classified as a family car. Heck, I think most of the Honda, Toyota, and Mazda car fleet get better than the Aveo. I know the only Toyotas that get less are SUVs, minivans, the Sorata(Sorola?) thing and the Avalon. *shrug* How bout instead of worrying about selling a few cars at high profit margins you try selling more cars that use less resources?

And just for fun, here's an article about some Czech politicians beating each other up.


Senseless Self Promotion

I thought this article might be about something cool. It really isn't. I'm just posting it, cause I have to say, anyone that starts a sentence with "When you have a black belt..." is a schmuck and probably taking martial arts for entirely wrong reasons. Especially if you're a "celebrity" "doctor."


super review

First off, MI3. Not bad as an action flick, but not great cinematic entertainment. Catch it at the cheap seats or on video.

Hogan Knows Best on VH1 is fun. I ended up watching 3 episodes last night cause they were on, I was bored, and it gave me a reason to have a beer. ;) Good times.

The real gem of VH1 last night, though, was Supergroup. For that show, they took the Nuge, Jason Bonham, Sebastion Bach, Scott Ian, and Evan Seinfield (thank you wikipedia I suck at names), threw em in the strangest decorated mansion in Nevada, and gave em 12 days to make a band and prepare a set for a show in Vegas. Personally, I think Bonham's ego will be the only one to survive unscathed, simply because he's the only one capable of leaving the damn thing in his pocket. I feel sorry for the cook, too. Her name's Danushka. I'd call her Danny. She'd call me, "OMFG, that's the best I've ever had!" It'd be cool.

Does anyone else think Sebastian Bach would play D&D?


Galactic Civilization II: A review

Let me start by saying this game is damn addicting. GCivII, as you might guess, is all about ruling the galaxy. You've got a LOT of control on how you do this. The game comes with 10 races to choose from, and if that's not enough you can create your own race. You can customize the victory conditions, the makeup of the galaxy, the speed of research, the difficulty of the AI, etc.

Your friends are dead, why not join the winning side?
So, how do you win? In the traditional game, there are several ways to attain victory. Obviously, there's conquest. I'm trying that one now as the Yor (a race of sentient robots that hate all organic entities - not evil, just uncaring). There's a diplomatic victory, where you convince all the other empires to join you under your rule. You can even combine conquest and diplomacy by allying with everyone you can, then stompin ass on anyone that won't join you. As the humans, I polished off an influence victory already. That's where your economy is so big and well marketed that, while you don't outright control the galaxy, everyone knows you make the goods, create the commercials, market the politicians, and pull the strings of the money that makes the galaxy spin. Finally, there's the technology victory. With this one, you research one final tech that lets you attain a sort of divinity.

My beefs with the victory conditions are minimal, but similar on both fronts. They deal with the influence and tech victory.

First, let me explain a little about research. Each technology upgrade sits on a branch on the various tech trees. There are TONS of techs, which rocks, but most are pretty linear after the first few initial branching techs. Beam weapons advance in size and power along one branch. Farming is on a different branch. There is no interweaving techs. Harpoon missiles require nothing more than having researched Stinger IV. So, to win with a tech victory, you just research all the way down the research branch. Granted, that bitch is expensive, but in the bigger galaxies you can just park your ass in the corner, be diplomatic with everyone and research away. Personally, I'd like the tech tree to be more of a tech web. You want Harpoon missiles? You need Stinger IV, sure, but also Advanced minitiarization, Ultraviolet Guidance Systems, etc. And to win by a tech victory, you have to figure out which tech is needed. So, each time you research a new technology your scientists give you a recommendation as to where to go next.

Something like, "Boss, since we're at war with the Drengin, I would recommend we study better guidance systems for our missiles or possibly stronger hulls. However, our metaphysical advisors are suggesting we seek transcendance by spending more time researching Green planet cohabitation processes, while the bean counters want more research in the realms of Ultrafast Brainwave Marketing Management." That's my ONLY beef with the tech areas.

Now, as for the Influence victory, it runs parallel with the tech victory. You raise your influence by keeping your people happy, building influence enhancing tourist traps on planets (things like an embassy and the Restaurant of Eternity), and building influence starbases close to other peoples planets so you can conquer them without invasion or military buildup. Influence's bottom line, though, is the Influence/Diplomacy branch of the tech tree. Personally, I think it'd be more fun if you could micromanage the marketing and promotions, trade agreements and all of that shit. Trade now is as simple as building a freighter and sending it to a planet you're not at war with to establish a trade route.

I don't care the cost! Build me the Galactic Pool of Nubile Anime Bunnies!
Managing your empire is a balancing act. Each planet has a numerical rating that indicates the number of buildable tiles on it. This can be expanded through terraforming as you research that branch. Your basic buildings are factories, farms, banks, labs, entertainment areas, and embassies. Each effect that planet's output and some "Galactic Achievements" affect your entire empire or army. Starports let you build ships. Banks and their advancements (like the ultimate stock market) are the only planet addition that generate hard currency. Farms let your population grow, of course, and your entertainment keeps those people happy, but your banks generate money. Your factories, starports and labs then use that money to build their shit. What's left goes into your wallet for quick building additions or ships or for bribing rivals. You can either build speciality planets where one focuses on research, another makes people for troop transports and economy, another focues on lots of factories, etc. Personally, I'd rather keep my planets general unless a tile bonus suggests a specialization (I have one planet now that can generate 50 million tons of food per week with only three farms, so I use that for money, putting in several stock markets and sports arenas). That way, if I lose one, I don't take a big hit in one key area.

My beefs with planet management are mostly astethic. Some hotkeys let you go direclty to a planet's mangement screen without selecting that planet, and on that screen, there's no way to no WHERE in the galaxy the planet is (ie, where's it at on the map). Annoying if you're in a war and want your front line planets cranking out Megalith Missile Mamas while your secondary planets just build construction ships and troop transports. Not a big deal, just means a little extra clicking, or knowing the name, location and function of every single planet you control.

Zi plane, zi plane!
What's a galactic conquest game with a space navy? Even pursuing the other victory paths, you'll need a strong military. That requires strong military research. That's broken down into several branches which start at ships, infantry, and starbases. Ships is further broken down into offense, defense, propulstion, life support, sensors, hull size, and minitiarization. Starbases is pretty much just offense, defense and add-ons (whether it's an influece base, military base, or economic base). Infantry is planet side defense and planetary bombardment.

So, while there are default ship configurations available, they're pretty vanilla and boring. My game would go much faster if I only used those, though. Instead, I go crazy making A zigabadillion different ships styles.

You start off choosing hull size. That determines the ships hitpoint, hardpoints, and look (although you usually have three different hull styles to choose from in each size). Hardpoints are enhanced through miniaturization. Each weapon, life support system, etc, takes up a certain number of hardpoints. Now, not only do you get to build the stats on your ships, you get to decorate them, too. Each hull has certain locations you can add stuff to. Hell, you could put your engines on the front of the ship pointing to the side if you wanted. On top of the equipment the ship needs to be a ship, you get "extras". That's little pieces of jewelry you can add to the ship without affecting the stats. Things like wings, antennae, and various other adornements. you can adjust the size, rotation and facing of EVERYTHING. It's madness I tell you.

Geez, come on. Order already. Take all day, man.
Like I said, the damn game is addicting. Complex as hell, but easy to learn. The AI tends to be smart, although at 'normal' level it's only 75% as smart as a normal person. It adapts to your tactics. Kick it's ass with missile boats and it develops advanced ECM over time. Put tons of armor on your ships becuase it's using mass drivers, and it reseraches lasers.

Take my current game for example. I intially encountered the Altareans and Iconians. Later found the humans. The humans went to war with the Altareans. Now, the only military as big as the Altareans was me, so the humans come and ask me to help them. I say no, so they get fucked up and surrender to the Altareans. In the meantime, across the galaxy, too far from me, the Drengin are at war with the Thalians. Thalians are losing bad, and surrender to the Altareans so the Drengin don't slaughter them. Now the Altareans are the biggest empire, but my army's bigger and I have more influence. I'm now at war with the Iconians, who've offered me surrender twice, but I'm not accepting it til I get two of their planets I've got my eye on. I'm using mostly but missiles and have developed solid armor because of the Iconians mass drivers. The Altareans are weary of me, though, and have tried to trade my advanced ECM tech I developed, cause that's good defense against my missiles. Failing that (cause I'm not dumb), they've tried stealing it from my starbases, but my starbases are armed to the teeth both offensively and defensively. Right now, only I have ships big enough and bad enough to damage my starbases. So, both the Altareans and Iconians are trying to research ECM tech. My plan is to grab the next planet from the Iconians, let em sue for peace, and send a long range scout to finally contact the Drengin. Bribe the Drengin to attack the Altareans, while I hit them from the other side, and start researching laser tech, because the long dead humans were the only race to reseach shields to defend against that. Just when the Altareans start putting ECM on their ships, I'll switch over to lasers and fuck em anew.

That's my plan anyway.


dribble drabble


Fun mad libs. I'd post one, but no amount of refreshing gave me one that made sense with Nick and I going to Gen Con.


Use Your Seclusions

I'm on hold. Mix in a spoonful of Yahoo! Launch and you've got a recipe for suggestible. Add a pinch of Breakdown from GnR Use Your Illusion II, and you've got a fellow that's remembering rocking the highways and biways of New Mexico hardcore hair metal style with a few friends in a Golden Age of Exploration and Gaming. That nostalgia is giving me an overwhelming urge to restock my collection with GnR. Maybe just the "traditional albums," being Appetite and both UYIs.....


solid to liquid

Dig it. The Air Force is gonna be testing a synthetic jet fuel derived from natural gas. If it pans out for them, they're considering jet fuel derived from coal. Purty coal. As the article indicates "The United States is the Saudi Arabia of coal." We've got a bunch of it. Hell, only 3% of our electricity is generated from oil. I think right now we use 93% of our coal production for electricity. Unfortunately, unless we drastically increase coal output, that means if the military switches over to coal derived synthetic fuels, we're gonna see a spike in the cost of electricity. For us poor folk, that aint so good. For the environment, though....... It actually isn't too cost inhibitive to have better insulation installed, open windows when it's cool at night, etc. But I digress.

Considering that the military (maybe the whole fed governement) uses about 1.7% of fuel consumption in the U.S., weaning them off of imported oil won't make a HUGE impact in cost savings for everyone else. However, a military whose transportation is safe from foreign influences in energy is a HUGE security improvement. Then, consider all of the technological wonders we have that were orginally developed for military use. That's some research improvement that really does trickle down. Unlike some economic policies we're seeing. ;) Need an example? Teflon. Your non-stick pans were originally created to line the water pipes in nuclear reactors.

Regardless, huge impact or not, it's good to see the gov trying new things again.



I should be calling United American insurance and then sorting out a procedure for financially securing hyperhidrosis patients, but instead I studied my "personalDNA." It looks like this:

You can mouse over the color bar to see what each thing means. For instance, the red indicates my "Very High Confidence."

You can see the full review here:
My Personal Dna Report

Likewise, if you wanna take the test and see how close your idea of me is to my idea of me,



For all you lovers of the lubeless plunge, this post has nothing at all to do with the summer of love title, if you know what I mean.

No, I was gonna post a description of a state service website I've been mulling over, but I lost the gumption for that post this morning. Damn allergy drowsiness. Haveta make some coffee when I get home.

Instead, you get nothing. Actually, I'm trying to decide if it's possible to get a Templar style zeolotry to combine with a musketeers style society for my campaign. That is, of course, because I'm reading The Three Musketeers, it rocks, and it'd be a fun campaign. I really, really need to just start spending a little time each week on the campaign. I wanted to work on it only after getting the RoW piece done, but that's taking longer than I expected... That piece is supposed to be 30K words, is presently at 16K, and is 85% finished. Gotta find some more material somewhere. I figer once I get all of the jazz the editors want in it done, I'll read through the whole thing and look for spots with holes. I know I have to find somewhere to put a lot of info about the doom cult, as that's really lacking right now.

Payday's tomorrow, new car should be next week. Lick em.


Quote of the Day

It's a whole new level of creepy when your poop glows.

- Goblins


mute lag

I've got nothing but complaints about the last few days, but we're gonna focus on the positive instead. Mostly it's BF2 related. Had a really profitable day yesterday in game. Scored a bronze, silver, and two gold stars cause I was kicking ass when I did play (2 out of 3 ass stompings anyway) and my team was dominating when I got to command. On top of that, I nailed the Veteran Command Badge. There's a ribbon I should be able to get tonight, too, but I can't remember what it's called. I just know it requiers 10 hours of commander (check), squad leader (check) and squad member (check), then scoring 15 team points in a round. I usually score about 30 team points in a round as medic, cause my usual operating procedure is healing/reviving/and capturing flags. My average is still only a little over 5 kills a round. That prolly means Phil and I need to spend more time in a chopper and I need to learn to fly better. Right now I'm working on the expert heal badge (need 450 more heal points) and the expert medical combat badge (need 40+ more hours in as medic, then need to get 40 kills in a round). Twenty six is the most kills I've got in a round. The latter'll be a tough one. On top of that, I just need one more ribbon and I'll have everyone I can get on Vanilla without 250+ hours in game. The one I need is the Armored Service Ribbon. It takes 20 minutes in armor in a round, with 19 kills that rounds as well. I better find a long, slow game for that one. Prolly could have got it yesterday on a few of the commander rounds, but oh well. Been working on that commander badge for awhile. I doubt I get expert commander for quite some time. It requires 10,000 commander points at the least. I have 1K and average about 50 per round of commander. LOL.


Lost it

I had a thought. I thought it a lot. I thought I was smart, but now I know that I'm not.

Wonder if they'll be rocking out that song tomorrow night when we see the Presidents in Duluth....

Seriously, I had a pretty solid blog planned out today, but it's gone. Oh well. I thought about giving some stock advice, too, but it would just be a rehashing of an article I read earlier with no real input from me. *shrug* Suffice it to say that ADM is a viable means of getting into alternative energy stocks, surprising though that may be.

On the game front, new characters were had all around last night. Should be an interesting group. Still using gestalt characters. Nick rolled with a gestalt paladin/ranger following the bow tree and John went with an odd paladin/monk build, sporting a bastard sword I think. Hopefully by level 5 John can drop the heavy armor and take advantage of some monk action, but for now, he needs the AC to live.


Today's forecast: You're fucked

Damn Iran. With Russia buying up as much of Europe's natural gas distributors as it can, it's got the power to put the power pinch on the EU if a conflict does arise with Iran. They won't be able to support us too much if Russia shuts off their means of producing electricity. We do have the advantage of having troops close at hand, so Iran would be dumb and desperate if they hit Israel. The big question to arise in my mind is, how would the other countries in the area react to Iran's wholesale bombing/gassing/nuking (if they can) of Iraq in an attempt to hit our troops? I'm not fully up on the Shi'ite/Sunni split outside Iraq, but I know Iran is primarily Shi'ite, and I think Saudi Arabia is Sunni. I could be wrong, there, but whether I am or not, I wonder how much that difference would play in how or even if the other nations would care. Because our news media is so focused on insurgent action in Iraq, how many troops have been killed there and Afghanistan, and random terrorist bombings elsewhere, it's hard for me to tell what the national and governmental opinions on that matter are. Sure, we know everyone hates America's involvement in Iraq, but we don't know how people feel about the risk of Sunni vs. Shi'ite civil war in that nation, and that further confuses the matter of support in a potential conflict between Iran and the U.S (not Iran and the West for the reasons mentioned above).

Yeah, that's a hard read, and not just because there's no paragraphs and ample run on sentences. I'm just brainstorming until it's time to go home....


Ooh, here's a thought. How ironic would it be if Europe did support us despite Russia's shutting off the natural gas, just to prove that they could pull some crazy running on solar/wind power shit and pumping out craziness like WWII industrial America did, for the sole purpose of shutting our mouths about saving the world during that conflict?

And another thought. Would Russia shut off natural gas to Europe? That's a BIG fucking chunk of money they'd lose. Personally, I think our best bet would be to do a series of swift strikes during the winter, that way Russia has to decide, shut off power to prove a point or keep it on, make cash, and feed its people. Of course, they could be stockpiling food now, and I don't know what China's potential for food exporting is. It's entirely possible that China can afford to feed Russia while Russia denies Europe the natural gas it needs so that Europe has little choice but to deny America any tactial support in an attempt to bomb Iran's production sites. Quite the tasty love triangle, isn't it?

Quote of the Day

There were some doozies (sp?) today, but this one wins.

"Boy, you know you're in trouble when Chad, a country of 8.1 million people living on 1.3 million square miles of desert, can push you around. "

That's from Jubak's Journal over at Money Central discussing the "bullying" strategies being utilized by the big oil nations such as Russia, Venezuela, Chad, and Iran. There's a bit at the end there about how stupid a proposed $100 refund to drivers that Repubs in Congress want to push through actually is. Rather than do something about gas prices and energy dependancy now, they're just trying to cover up the hole with a piece of paper, so the water doesn't start leaking through until after the November election...

Here's an interesting tidbit. Sure, on Earth Day Bush touted hydrogen cars and asked for $5 billion in hydrogen car research in hopes of getting that action rolling. Unfortunately, and he's done this at least twice before that I know of, at the same time as he's saying, "Let's spend more money tomorrow that our kids will have to pay back," he (and Congress) is cutting research funding on energy efficiency, something that would save us ALL money now, not people buying new cars tomorrow, by 20%.

Now, there's a whole camp of people that say let's not focus on cars because home energy savings is as/more important. I agree that home energy efficiency is super important, but the fact remains that only 3% of our electricity is generated from oil. Most of it is coal based, and we burn 93% of the coal we produce. Better insulation, triple paned windows, solar/wind etc, won't make nearly the same impact on gas/oil prices as more efficient transportation. Now, if we all start running electric cars and plugging the shit in at night, that'll be different. Still, lowering coal emissions by not burning coal is a big goal as far as I'm concerned, cause I'm a greenie and all that. I'm just saying, green electricity won't impact the pumps that much I don't think.

Let me know if I'm wrong.

88 hours of goo

Alright all you Cats and Dudettes, Gen Con registration is upon us. Not ticket registration, but event registration. Had a good ole party where Nick and I got together to cooridinate our attack. Now, as usual, the GC website was overrun with attendees and slow as molasses drippin out a turtle's ass. Made for some difficulty getting started, and by the time we did, Nick was bored with the process. He scored his events for Thursday, one for Friday and a fingercuffs board game with both of us on Saturday, then took off for some disc golf. Ironically, when he left, the only two events we scheduled together were board games. No RPGs for us, but we went into it with different tactics. I wanted to try new games I couldn't get any interest in here at home, and he wanted to stick with a couple of tried and true standards to see how others handled their business. Both valid tactics and both equally viable at the mecha of RPG cons. After he left, I pushed on.

I went in pretty organized, but real quick lost all the events I wanted to play on Saturday. Who would have thought Harry Potter Cthulhu would be so popular? I still scored a grand sum of 41 hours of gaming, with nothing scheduled on Sunday. Here's my schedule:

8am-12pm The Ravaged Earth Society's Search for the Fountain of Youth - Savage Worlds rules

"1936. The Nazis are hot on the trail of the legendary Fountain of Youth! American intelligence, stretched thin by numerous threats to the nation's security, has asked the Explorer's Guild to beat the Nazis to the fountain, if it exists, and claim its power for the good old US of A! Are you up to the challenge posed by this two-fisted, action-filled adventure which uses the new Ravaged Earth setting and the award-winning Savage Worlds rules?"

2pm-4pm Through the Desert - Board Game

My first event with Nick, this board game from Fantasy Flight Games has the players lead trade caravans through the desert in an effort to make the most moolah. A variety of ways to gain points, power and prestige make for a complicated game from the sounds of the description.

6pm-midnight Twas the Night Before Christmas - Godlike

Godlike is a WWII game where the players are soldiers with "extra" powers, roughly. Can't describe it much more than that, as it's a new game for me. Here's the round description:
"You were making your way back from a mission deep in enemy territory when you got the word. The Germans had begun a massive offensive and have the 101st airborne surrounded in a town named Bastogne. You've got new orders, make for Bastogne, and do what you can to relieve the 101st."

8am-12pm Lost Hearts, Wounded Souls - Blue Rose system

"Flawed, failed and fallen heroes. Sovereign's Finest in name alone. Six envoys of the Queen teetering on the edge of Shadow's Abyss are joined by the hope that together they can find redemption. But how can they save the innocent if they cannot save themselves? Mystery, adventure, heartache, melodrama, betrayal and romance in the fantasy world of the Blue Rose. Role-playing emphasized. Presented by Dean Edgell."

12pm-4pm After Serenity 001:Aim to Misbehave - Serenity RPG

"Getting into the Alliance training center was easy. Who knew that leaving would be the hard part? Create a character at the table, or visit the website for character creation information. An Ongoing or Living campaign."

4:30pm-6:30pm True Dungeon

In True Dungeon, Nick and I will actually go through the adventure, explore a real environment (hence the name) and play some shuffle board to replicate everything a die is used for in the d20 RPG. Should be fun. We'll be with a group of 5 other people.

8pm-10pm SPANC - card game

SPANC stands for Space Pirate Amazon Ninja Catgirls. Sounds fun. You try to outcatfight your opponents and finish with the most toys. *shrug* Needed a filler, grabbed two cheap tickets so Nick could play, and then I found out that Friday at 9 might be the ENnies. That's the awards show I should go to and attempt to mingle a bit, so this might be a write off game. No one else has signed up for it anyway.....

8am-12pm You Too Can Cthulhu - Call of Cthulu RPG

This is an intro adventure to the CoC game. Should be fun. Hopefully I'll either like it enough to try running it or learn a bunch of shit to help enhance my other games.

2pm - 6pm Collateral Damage:The Anime Board Game

"Collateral Damage is the board game of romantic comedy Anime. Players recruit characters, each with a Special Power, and try to use them to fight other characters and take over cities to win the game. Unlike most board games, however, characters can fall in love with each other, and follow their own agendas across the board."

6pm-11pm Three Dragon Ante Tournament

I really doubt this one lasts the full 5 hours for me. Still, it gives me an excuse to practice and to see how they handle switching table and shit, because I've wanted to do a weekly tourney for awhile now.

11pm-3am The Midnight Zombie Show - All Flesh Must Be Eaten system

I couldn't get into the AFMBE game that had the players make themselves as characters, so this one was the next best thing and probably the best way to cap my scheduled gaming at the Con. Here's the description:

"Once again, we face the hordes of zombies as they crunch and munch their way through humanity. Join the forces of humanity as you take on the roll of various Hollywood stars on Oscar Night! Who will survive? Who will win the award for greatest overacting? Good sense of humor required!"

I also grabbed 6 generic tickets on the off chance I horribly miss a start time (which WON'T be happening for Godlike, Serenity or AFMBE!) and need to pick up a game. Now I just have to find some caffeine suppositories.....