
Quote of the Day

There were some doozies (sp?) today, but this one wins.

"Boy, you know you're in trouble when Chad, a country of 8.1 million people living on 1.3 million square miles of desert, can push you around. "

That's from Jubak's Journal over at Money Central discussing the "bullying" strategies being utilized by the big oil nations such as Russia, Venezuela, Chad, and Iran. There's a bit at the end there about how stupid a proposed $100 refund to drivers that Repubs in Congress want to push through actually is. Rather than do something about gas prices and energy dependancy now, they're just trying to cover up the hole with a piece of paper, so the water doesn't start leaking through until after the November election...

Here's an interesting tidbit. Sure, on Earth Day Bush touted hydrogen cars and asked for $5 billion in hydrogen car research in hopes of getting that action rolling. Unfortunately, and he's done this at least twice before that I know of, at the same time as he's saying, "Let's spend more money tomorrow that our kids will have to pay back," he (and Congress) is cutting research funding on energy efficiency, something that would save us ALL money now, not people buying new cars tomorrow, by 20%.

Now, there's a whole camp of people that say let's not focus on cars because home energy savings is as/more important. I agree that home energy efficiency is super important, but the fact remains that only 3% of our electricity is generated from oil. Most of it is coal based, and we burn 93% of the coal we produce. Better insulation, triple paned windows, solar/wind etc, won't make nearly the same impact on gas/oil prices as more efficient transportation. Now, if we all start running electric cars and plugging the shit in at night, that'll be different. Still, lowering coal emissions by not burning coal is a big goal as far as I'm concerned, cause I'm a greenie and all that. I'm just saying, green electricity won't impact the pumps that much I don't think.

Let me know if I'm wrong.


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