Last night was game night. Unfortunately, John was sick and Lukas was joinin a sorority. Yes, I know dudes join frat, but he was becoming a 'little brother' in a sorority. Harvey Danger has a song about Lukas. It's called 'Flagpole Smokin'. :) Still, the man's gettin mad booty, and that's all any man can ask for in college.
Unfortunately for everyone, the adventure I was running (straight out of
Dungeon magazine) was set for level 3 characters, and I's a bit too lazy to adjust it much. So, it was imperative that the whole crew come along AND bring help. Rather then me run 3 PC/NPCs, I had Nick run Zeek and Wendy run Gergorious, along with them running there own characters. Like Nick said, that's like wearing someone else's underwear and it made the game a little less fun. Wendy still had a blast though, and it's hard to tell with Nick. He was purty tired and I forgot to offer more coffee.
The game set off with Crenius' return from filth fever quaruntine. Luckily, the clerics were able to
lesser restore his Dex to full, but his energy level was still a bit weak. Cren was introduced to Gregorious, and had the same "who's this wanker" reaction that Zeek did. Levvy took Gregorious under her wing like a new puppy....sort of like Zeek did with Jethek.
Speaking of Jethek, Zeek informed the crew that yesterday, the little runt had told him a story about a pixie/faery that gave Jethek a vision of a goblin cave. Jethek wanted to go on another adventure with Zeek, but Zeek suggested caution and waiting for Crenius to help them. Next day, not only was Jethek gone, but a mysterious map was in Zeek's room tied to a mouse.
There was some debate about whether to search for Jethek or not, when suddenly, a gorgeous elf came into the inn. Davik the innkeeper directed her to the party. She introduced herself as Kanessa Birchbow. She was looking for a boy fitting Jethek's description that was her cousin. Turns out an aunt married a human, and that half-elf started a line of family with human partner that quickly became less human. Jethek was a 3 or 4th cousin. There is "unrest" in the northern provinces of the Ichian Empire, and Kanessa's father sent her to round up the family and bring them back to the Elven Isles. She only made it in time to see Jethek's parents hung as traitors. After a quick rescue of the boy, she fled north to the port city and began looking for transport back to the Elven Isles. After securing passage on an elven vessel, she returned to the inn to find Jethek had run away, with a note about starting his own business after adventuring for awhile. He didn't want to live on an island full of elves. Three weeks later, the young scout had tracked him here.
The party told Kanessa about Jethek's adventure, and all agreed it might be a good idea to go look for him. Levvy attempted to wrangle some pay out of her, but Zeek convinced everyone that this was a rescue not needing pay. Kanessa still suggested that if there's goblins, there's treasure, and the group could have what they found.
Following the map, the crew made it to the cave with a minimal struggle up a steep trail. The cave was on the opposite side of a lake, so with much stealth, the group around the lake, only to encounter one of its residents. A medium sized constrictor. As soon as it rushed the party, Zeek blasted it with a
lesser orb of electricity, Levvy nailed it with an axe, Gregorious rushed it with swords drawn, but missed horribly, Kanessa may or may not have hit it with an arrow, and the poor snake narrowly dodged a ray of frost from Crenius before slithering into the lake to find something easier to eat than a gnome with big friends.
Unfortunately, a goblin look out happened to hear the spellcasting, notice the fight, and alert his band. So, when the group arrived at the cave, an ambush was set up. Surprisingly enough, Crenius was able to sneak into the cave regardless of the goblins attentions and check out the lay of the land. He didn't notice the goblins hiding in the rocks, though. When he retreived the party, they entered the cave. Right before the gobs sprung their trap, Kanessa noticed one and shouted, saving the party from surprise.
Gobs still won initiative I think, and nailed Kanessa with a javelin. Levvy couldn't get around their cover with her axe and skipped it off the rocks harmlessly. Zeek lit one up with a
lesser orb of fire and sent that poor bastard to the crisper. Crenius put a full three of the little bastards to
sleep, which I didn't know was in his spell book. Next round, I think Kanessa dropped the final gob with another arrow, cause Gregorious still wasn't hitting shit. A plague of the evening for him. One gob got away early on.
Chasing him down the tunnel, the crew spots him rounding a bend, giving the PCs the bird. Sprinting after him, Zeek and Canessa step into a pit trap. Fortunately for Zeek, Kanessa pushes him out of the way as the floor crumbles beneath them, so she's the only one to fall in. It's a small 10' pit, so Levvy and her wonderful rope quickly retreive the elf. In the meantime, Gregorious is falling in love.
Around the corner, the PCs found the tunnel ending in a rawhide curtain. Rather than charge boldly in, Crenius whips the curtain out of the way with a great use of
mage hand allowing everyone to see the 7 gobs waiting for them. Kanessa charges in and shoots the obvious leader with her bow, but the leader chic returns fire and nails Kanessa hard. Zeeks next in. With the gobs split, three defending one exit and three defending the other, Zeek
burning hands the three closest gobs. 1 hit point away from death, they flee at their next opportunity. Crenius casts
shield but doesnt' enter the fray immediately. Levvy rushes in and sling stones a gob in the face, and Gregorius charges in as well. Next round, Kanessa drops a gob with an arrow through the eye. The female gob leader summons a fiendish dire rat to distratc the party (which I accidentally made too strong), and the gobs flee.
Crenius chases after the adept, and Kanessa joins him. Zeek, Levvy and Gregorius fight the rat until the spell wears off and it disappears. Crenius and Kanessa come to a 't' in the tunnel, with at least one gob going left and one going right. Suddenly, the three scorched gobs round the bend and stop when they see the two opponents. Kanessa put an arrow in one's mouth and the other two flee.
The rest of the party catches up, minus Gregorious who's a bit slow on the uptake. Kanessa goes to cover him, gives him a cure potion, and the two spot the fleeing goblins coming from the other tunnel and bolting for the door. The leader's not among them, so Crenius opts to move on. Zeek has to talk Levvy out of looting right now.
Following the left tunnel, the crew comes to a short crawlway into the basement of a crumbled tower. Levvy rushes through, and immediatley a group of skelingtons starts busting from their coffins. Levvy rushes on into the next room and encounters the goblin leader. Crenius follows the halfling and immediatley casts
true strike on himself. Seeing him cast, the goblin bull rushes the frail looking man, but only succeeds in bouncing off of him. His allacrity kept him from dropping the alchemist's fire he'd been holding in his hand since the fight with the druid way back when.
Back in the crypt, Zeek and Gregorious were taking it the skeligntons. First round Zeek busted one up, then thought about trade blows with them. A couple of solid hits from their scimitars changed his mind, though. While Gregorious wasn't hitting too often, neither was he getting hit. Seeing Levvy and Crenius fighting the goblin leader, Kanessa rushed through the room, stabbing one skeleton and leaping to aid the others, landing to flank the goblin leader.
Crenius promptly set the goblin girl on fire, taking a little splash damage as well. In return, she nailed him with her frost pick pretty hard. Levvy's axe connected, as well. Kanessa leapt into place. Attempting to cure herself, the gobling began casting a spell, and managed to dodge all of the attacks of opportunity. Unfortunately, the fire distracted her a bit too much. Fighting defensively, though, meant that no one hit her at least.
The whole time she kept screaming for "Hezzrack" to aid her. When she turned and ran, Levvy split her spine with a critical hit.
After dispatching the goblin leader, the group, minus Crenius who was determined to stay concsious this entire adventure, returned to finish off the skeletons. Once that was done, they returned to Cren in the large octagonal room. When everyone was away from the door, an imp appeared, tossed the group a key and said, "Thanks for freeing me, fuckers. Yer friend's over there," and pointed to an eastern door. Then he fled as Crenius threw another alchemist's fire at him.
After rescuing Jethek, the party looted the caves. Turns out Kanessa did offer up some gifts for helping her save the boy. The party's a bit worried about the imp, now, though. The next day, Levvy succumbed to filth fever, and the day after that , Zeek fell into it as well. Jethek refuses to leave town while his friends are sick, and he manages to talk Kanessa into returning to Myrrhlanthus with a note from one of the clerics requesting healing supplies (she has a horse). She does, imploring Crenius and Gregorious to watch over him.
Tune in next time for
Dirty, Filthy or
Jethek the Unwise, Wet, Brave, Unbathed, De-al Rotating, Ball Gagged Rides Again.