
one mini down

On Wednesday night, I got together with Nick and we wrapped up Crenius mini. I'll let him blog about it first, as I don't know what action/adventure/sultry liasons he wants to keep a secret from the party. A brief reveiw is needed, though.

We figured out quite a few of the areas the Crenius needs to grow in, which is good, cause it adds a LOT of depth to him as a character. There are some hard questions he's facing, and some hard challenges he deals with every day. Made for some damn good role playing, AND gives a lot of promise for a night, if ever everyone is in character, of some serious sole searching in the party.

We also set Crenius up on the path to Geometer. At least got him interested in that direction. In this game world, the Nyran's, which is the culture that lived in the river valley before the Empire wiped them out, centered their magic and their religion around geometric shapes, functions, and the like. (Gives me all the more reason to read the book on Euclid geometry that I have. Hehe.) Crenius is starting to figure this out and find it very interesting... He's also discovered he rather enjoys translating old texts. From a DM's point of view, this is a beautiful thing. "You found this old map..." "While translating today, you discovered the legend of..." "Next to this young hotty is the numbers 8675309...." Hook city. Too damn bad I'd done away with hooks already.

All told the session took four days of real time, which gives us some wiggle room for Levvy. Gregorious and Zeke might have to find something to entertain themselves with.... Of course, I have to speed their session up. We're playing that one by email, and almost a week after we've started it, they're just now buying drinks in the bar. Go go gadget one line emails.

(Boy, if you're really dislexic while typing, 'emails' can become smaile. I'm gonna use that as a place name I think.)

On another note, Wendy's out for gaming Saturday, so my campaign's on hold. Despite the lack of hooks, the next adventure(s) really focus on wrapping up the kidnapping of Levvy's parents. It's wholly possible that she follows a bad lead and in the meantime Zeke, Gregorious, and Crenius wrap up the whole thing, but that would be entirely accidental since neither of the three have shown any interest in helping her investigate the issue. Of course, she hasn't asked, either... Regardless, it's a prime opportunity for some character development for her, and some team development as a whole. I could play Levvy as an NPC, but I learned that's bad with Jethek. John missed out on some good RP opportunity not being there when Zeke's little friend left....

So, it's shaping up to be a night of rolling up characters for John Montezuma's Cold Nights Warm Booties campaign. Sounds good to me. I got a selfish Warlock I'm jonesin to hash out.


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