
Sin City: A Review

Swoosh, Bang, Poop, Wow. Caught Sin City yesterday. S to the weet my friend. Personally, I think it's the best comic to movie transition ever. If you want a review of how well that transition is, check out my boy Joe's review over at www.torcpress.com/blog.html.

Me? I'm gonna talk briefly about the style. I'm sure that part of what made the shit so cool for me is that not only do I know how to do alla the film effects in the flick, but that I spent a great majority of my time at Flash producing similar images. "Touch of Color" we called em.

At this point, I'd like to point out to alla the ladies at Flash, LOOK AT THE EYES IN THIS FILM. Blue eyes showed up, darker colors did not. Know why? Brown eyes look red when surrounded by grey and 'hazel' doesn't show up at all. Cinematic proof.

So yeah, there's that. The stark contrast in colors and lack of colors is just one of the cool things on the flick. Lot harder to do in moving pictures than in portraits, but it's all just a matter of time. Aside from the color choices directing the eyes, you get the stark whites playing with you, too. Blood, glasses, the occasional cross, scars tend to get lightened a bit on the screen; white gets used another sharp contrast to direct the eyes.

Cinematicaly beautiful film.

Pacing is fast and hard, just like the stories. There's little to know transition from one book to the other, as it should be. The characters come across strong. All of them, which is a feat considering the volume of characters in the film. Best of all, the City itself comes across strong. You know this is a place where greatness is made and broken on a daily basis.

Story comes out strong as well. Even covering three arcs, when this flick ends, you know how the important bits turned out. Loved the circular story line.

Acting? Well, we'll just say that all of the actors have already proven themselves in other flicks, so no surprises there. Personally, I was surprised out how good ole Josh Hartnett played the assassin. Pretty smooth, that one.

So far, Sin City's the best movie of the year. Not the best comic movie, not the best action movie, not the best cop movie or detective movie or black and white movie or genre movie. Best movie.

Oh yeah, and did anybody else notice the bomber was the guy that tried to kill William Wallace? Pretty funny that he got a sword in the back in both flicks.


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