
Shonen'll make ya jump-jump

That's right. The subscription paid off real quick. Got the newest issue of Shonen Jump in the mail a couple days ago, and the bitch aint even in stores yet. Score. So, here's my pre-release review, without spoilers.

Opens with a preview of the new title I"s. Nother teen boy in love with hot school girl but he's too scared to ask her out story. She's a bikini model. That seems to be the gist of the title and the preview issue was kinda boring. Not to mention a little unnerving as yer thinking "Damn, that's one hot 16 year old."

I skipped Yu-gi-oh, which I always do.

Naruto had a couple chapters with a little illusionist battle at the end.Mostly these were just lead up chapters to some more action, I hope, cause these were a bit boring.

But then, there's One Piece. Ah, glorious One Piece. The meat of the book this issue. We finally get the wrap up of the battle with Don Kreig. Several of the characters come to some realizations that the average reader prolly saw them reaching three SJ issues ago, and a little fore shadowing plays out. Again this issue's OP rocked serious tasty manga abs. The kind 16 year old bikini models in I"s day dream about. Best part? You get like six chapters of One Piece. Whoot.

Then there's Shaman King. SK ties with Naruto for my next favorite title, but this issue, Shaman King whooped Naruto. Yoh's battle with asshole continues and nothing really wraps up, but it's good action nonetheless.

Yuyu Hasa-whosat just continues where it left off, again with nothing spectacular.

That's as far as I got on my lunch break. I'll prolly wrap it up on my dinner break unless I decide to explore the mind of a minor villain coming up in my campaign. Depends on how maniacal I feel with an almost completely untrained staff tonight.

Bottom line is, this issue rocks if for no other reason than One Piece. Rockin Shaman King is just icing on the cake, and anything I find near the end of the book will turn out to be little cinammon treats hidden in thecake itself. mmmmm.

*Edit:* Finished up on my break. Whasitsname No Go was good. Not a lot of action, but I like the characters, so it's good even with my crap understanding of Go.


Blogger Jorge Mackton said...

First and foremost, thanks for not spoiling anything in Jump, amigo. I can't Not read your blog, but it's good that you held back. Hopefully, Jump will be on newstands here next week. Must...read...One Piece...

Is Nami back yet? No, don't tell me. I can wait. When's Nami coming back? Gyahhhh!!!!

4:33 AM  

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