

Well, each of the three semi-solo mini adventures I wanna run is almost wrapped up and ready to play. Hopefully we can run through the Zeke/Gregorious bit Friday and have Levvy's and Crenius' played out soon enough next weekend that I can pump out the next big adventure for 4/30, which is our first Saturday game.

Kinda big expectations on this one, partly cause none of us should be EXTREMELY tired, and partly cause it's a sort of closure for one character's background and a start of the hopefully major story arc.

So, what I'm going for is to give the player's an opportunity for some serious roleplaying in the minis so that both the players and myself get a better understanding of the character and how he/she is being played. This'll be the barometer that I use to judge the players for roleplaying XP bonuses and hopefully it'll help me come up with better adventure hooks. I think the last few have been slightly lacking and I'm worried the players went along with a couple of em just so we could play. What I'm really hoping for is to get a guage on character motivations so I don't need hooks so much as just need an idea of what info will be pertinent and I can let the players decide what/when/where/how to go forward. Sure, I'll still be making adventures each week, but they'll be based more on what the characters did last week and less on what I want to make as an adventure. Of course, the world will still be happening around them, but I can focus a bit more on that this way in theory.

On top of all of that, hopefully letting the players grow into their characters without the group influence will bring us a little closer to everyone playing in character most of the night. We're making major strides in the direction already. (Trouble is two of the characters are so similar in personality to their players that it's hard for me to seperate the two.) Theory again here, but hopefully this will help me to actually roleplay the NPCs that need roleplaying. Gotta work on my ability to jump from the head of a monstrous spider into the head of a female patrol officer that thinks men doubt her ability to do her job. That or stop making that shit up ahead of time.

Might be a good idea...just make my own list of character traits as I think them up and check them off as I use them... I have a tendancy to forget things if I don't write them down.

Finally, the area I need the most improvement on, in my opinion, is describing the game and the game world to the players as they interact with it. Case in point, forgetting to mention the lesser vargoille's scream is what paralyzed half of the party.

So, here's to slowing things down for a week or two and then hitting the world saving events hard and heavy after that. Cheers.


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