
game central

We gamed Friday night, as usual, and I shoulda blogged today about it. I didn't. Trouble is, it's busy as shit at the ole hellspital, and I's don't feel like writing in between patients.

Here's a brief recap. The team set out to head home. Scared up some wolves, which ran off. Then, right before they woke up the 2nd day, some loggers mistakenly chased a boar into camp. The group had it finished off before the loggers even showed up, so there was a bit of pig for breakfast and the poor peasants got the scraps.

The next day, with the spell flingers late for school, a hail/thunderstorm hit, forcing them into a tomb. There, they ran into a squabble between what turned out to be a rogue and a wererat. Killed the wererat and Zeke got pissed.

Then we stopped.

Yeah, that's a crappy recap. Sorry.


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