
yet another book

OK, nevermind. I had a rant about government officials pumping out books like mad. Inspired by Chuck Schumer's latest attempt to win recognition by telling America what the Dems need to do to win again, of course. But as I wrote it, and read it, I sounded more like I was saying that government officials were slaves of the people. Really, they're representatives of the people. I bet they don't even realize that anymore. I could rant about that instead, but I'm rather deflated and checked now. Aint this a pathetic post? And considering I just started to digress from my own point in response to my previous poorly thought out point, I think I'm calling it done for now. My convoy of thought got lost on some back country synapsis. The Hills Have Eyes is playing out in some forgotten portion of my brain.


New Coke

Personally, I like the taste of the old Classic Blogger over this new Blogger business. New Blogger is getting none of my money!

And we're done with that stupid bit. Got knocked out with a cold last week. Mental note, if you feel a viscious sore throat coming on, screw the rest of the dungeon. Didn't make it to work Thursday, shouldn't have went Friday, not quite feeling up to it, today, but perseverance shall prevail....

Not much on the game review. Descent still rocks. BF 2142 still rocks. About 70 points away from 2nd Lt. Gold. I'll grab the Assault rifle upgrade with that, and then I can start unlocking Support stuff. Almost to got the silver support badge. Got the silver resupply badge last night. Crazy ass titan mode, with about 7 guys on the titan with minimal opposition. Just ran around with the hub out. Ended up with 22 supply points.

Politics wise, who cares about Pres '08 right now? Fucking annoying. And what's with this exploratory comitte BS? Either you know you wanna run or you don't. You know what America doesn't want? It doesn't want a President that only does things if a poll says it's a good idea. I'm not talkng we want Bush II again. But we don't want a lilly livered bourgoise sissy that's afraid to fail....

I could be wrong, though.

Oh, and before I got, there's a 2142 booster pack coming up and Phil-uh-delphia gets to playtest. Dirty bastard.


Found It!

Great news. The little notebook with the little adventure is safe. Bad news is I have to send a Disclosure Agreement with the query letter, and I have to print that out. No Ink. Worse, No Paycheck. That's right. Rather the postman decided we didn't live here, or the stupid hellspital mailed it to the wrong place and it's stuck in forwarding limbo, I gots no money.



Mostly settled in

Things are up and running in the new place. Got a little curtain conundrum to figure out, and I should get some damn plastic for the worthless windows. Need some rugs and an extra book shelf or two, then we're golden. Need to get some art up on the walls, too.

There are a few things I could complain about, but compared to most of the people I know right now, life is golden. Except I lost the damn notebook with a completed adventure I wanted to submit to Dungeon magazine in the move. Damnit.

Ran a little Cthulu this week. Good times. The published adventures in the book leave a lot of room for improv, and unfortunately leave a LOT of holes in the info you need when the investigators ask the entirely wrong questions. You definitely can't worry about railroading too much in the game, cause sometimes you just need an NPC to say, "Why the fuck are you asking me that? That has nothing to do with anything!"

Regardless, if you play the game with a D&D mindset, your character will die. I think that's what we learned. It was evident the big bad was *probably* just through the next wall, and with one character down to 3 hp and a whole lot of sanity loss, they still went in. And died. One death included a face being ripped off.

And boy do I need to remember all of the little things that can make you lose sanity. Hell, the group probably would have ran screaming from the building, kept the retaining fee and split to the midwest if I'd remembered to make em roll for being attacked by beds, blood pouring from a ceiling, etc... Oh well. That's what test runs are for. I think in the future, though, I'll try to write any Cthulu reports up in the first person like Lovecraft.....


Finnigen, begin to bend. It like Bekham

I don't know. Wanted to do one of those Wheel of Fortune "Before and After" style titles. There you go.

You want New Year's Resolutions? I got two. First, my goal is to get at least two things published. The RoW project is looking pretty close to done. That's one. I've got a list to submit to Paizo once I write a few of them and get a good idea of word counts, and I found a pdf magazine for back up. Should, if I continue to write stuff, be able to get at least two pieces out into the gaming world.

Second, and this one's a bit more challenging, centers around actually gaming. Characters, either DMing or playing, but take a group of players and/or characters from level 1-8. It'll be a bit tougher because I keep coming up with new ideas for campaigns, but I think that if we have a core campaign and just tickle the others once a month or so, it's possible. We'll see. Just gotta try not to get burned out.

That's about it. Need to go research air fare to Australia.