
Finnigen, begin to bend. It like Bekham

I don't know. Wanted to do one of those Wheel of Fortune "Before and After" style titles. There you go.

You want New Year's Resolutions? I got two. First, my goal is to get at least two things published. The RoW project is looking pretty close to done. That's one. I've got a list to submit to Paizo once I write a few of them and get a good idea of word counts, and I found a pdf magazine for back up. Should, if I continue to write stuff, be able to get at least two pieces out into the gaming world.

Second, and this one's a bit more challenging, centers around actually gaming. Characters, either DMing or playing, but take a group of players and/or characters from level 1-8. It'll be a bit tougher because I keep coming up with new ideas for campaigns, but I think that if we have a core campaign and just tickle the others once a month or so, it's possible. We'll see. Just gotta try not to get burned out.

That's about it. Need to go research air fare to Australia.


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