Put your cap back on
Well, it's the end of the month. February. Usually gaming shit takes off late in the year and dies down mid-summer for us, but this season was backwards. It died down late fall when we started house/apartment hunting like mad. It's just now rejuvenating.
As I've mentioned, Shadowrun is back, and our Australian characters are in Hong Kong. I'm disappointed for two reasons. 1 - We weren't made for this environment, so it's a fish out of water story, but without the associated fish out of wateryness. Which leads to 2 - Hong Kong is a city of public face. It's everything. We're brash, abrasive, uncouth, and in Baru's case, poorly educated, yet not once have we stumbled into a brawl for insulting some schmuck. Granted, your average human asian laborer isn't gonna nut shot a mystical orc or cybered troll in full camo, but you'd think in two weeks or so at least some ganger or Triad kid would throw down. *shrug*
And tonight, we hit it Elder God style. John and Wendy are pitching up characters for a trifecta of Cthulu story arcs I have in mind. Three eras, three generations of characters interrelated by family, friends, location, and/or plot. Should be fun. I've been thnking about it, and I can weave the 1890's and current plot lines simultaneously, but the 1920's St. Paul is heavily dependant on the 1890's, at least at the beginning, so unless I wanna give those characters full on short term amnesia, that ones gotta wait. That, unfortunately, means the current era has to wait as well, otherwise it would give too much away. *sigh*
And that's that. Two submissions into Paizo that have yet to be shot down by the Gray Render, so they might make it to the meeting, whenever that is. Started some fun research on a pseudo-campaign setting to pitch to the 3rd party market. Good times.
As I've mentioned, Shadowrun is back, and our Australian characters are in Hong Kong. I'm disappointed for two reasons. 1 - We weren't made for this environment, so it's a fish out of water story, but without the associated fish out of wateryness. Which leads to 2 - Hong Kong is a city of public face. It's everything. We're brash, abrasive, uncouth, and in Baru's case, poorly educated, yet not once have we stumbled into a brawl for insulting some schmuck. Granted, your average human asian laborer isn't gonna nut shot a mystical orc or cybered troll in full camo, but you'd think in two weeks or so at least some ganger or Triad kid would throw down. *shrug*
And tonight, we hit it Elder God style. John and Wendy are pitching up characters for a trifecta of Cthulu story arcs I have in mind. Three eras, three generations of characters interrelated by family, friends, location, and/or plot. Should be fun. I've been thnking about it, and I can weave the 1890's and current plot lines simultaneously, but the 1920's St. Paul is heavily dependant on the 1890's, at least at the beginning, so unless I wanna give those characters full on short term amnesia, that ones gotta wait. That, unfortunately, means the current era has to wait as well, otherwise it would give too much away. *sigh*
And that's that. Two submissions into Paizo that have yet to be shot down by the Gray Render, so they might make it to the meeting, whenever that is. Started some fun research on a pseudo-campaign setting to pitch to the 3rd party market. Good times.