
Whasa whozat?

OK. So I don't get loads of comments on my blog, but I'm relatively sure that someone reading them would understand what's going on.

Not so over at Xanga (another blog/online journal site). There, if yer reading someone's blog, and you look at the comments, 3 out of 5 of them don't make sense to that particular post or even the five previous posts. Eesh.

But that's neither here nor there. Upcoming gaming stuff to be excited about? On midnight on Halloween, Lichhaven games goes live, which is pretty cool, cause the gaming group playtested one of the first modules they're putting out, and I've got a little input on one of the others. Plus, I just like the guy that's running the company. Second, next month (pushed back three weeks), Suck Da Head, Squeeze Da Tail gets released over at RPG Edge! I'll post a link here when it does release, because the proceeds go to Habitat for Humanities AND it's got my first published work in it. *ding*

Other than that, I got diddly. If you live in Minnesota, head over to www.mpr.org and become a member for this month's pledge drive.


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