
Yer shittin me? How do you spell 'stitches? This is a joke, right?

Man. That's the dumbest question I've been asked all week. And this is the 2nd busted nose in 45 minutes. Looks like it's gonna be ridiculously busy today. Bleh. Me no like.

So dig, there's a local business that I and my friends don't shop at because of poor service, high prices and other reasons. Turns out that some celebrities in that particular industry LOVE the store, though, which of course is serious marketing for them. Because these individuals are viewed as gods of their industry, the unthinking masses refuse to accept that any of the bad incidences we've experienced there actually happened. *sigh* I hate celebrity worship more than almost anything I think. Most especially when said "celebrities" are only famous in a niche market doing a very small business.

Here's two things about that. It seems the smaller the industry the more dedicated fans are in celebrity worship. Kind of funny, really.

But here's the worst part. Concerning the event that triggered my rant, of the two "celebs" supporting the store, I know of both and have talked to one a few times (prolly not enough for him to remember me, though). Both are great guys, really modest, really intelligent, and really accepting of other's opinions. So, while one guy that actually voiced in in the discussion said something along the lines of "it could happen, but it hasn't to me," his congregation refuses to acknowledge that....


People are dumb.


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