
the countdown continues

9 calendar days left. 218 hours. That's how long til the wedding. Thing is, we've got lots of shit done. As far as I can tell, we've just gotta make some place cards for the reception, pay for some shit and get the damn reception lady to call us back. Unless Wendy's got a huge list she still needs to share with me......

Other than that, same shit, different day. Nick and I have decided to do his super camping trip on Labor Day weekend, which should be funky cool. Means I gotta drop some cash on gear, cause I'm set for car camping, but not for hiking/canoeing into Minnesota's Boundary Waters for 4 days. But, quite timely, I got some military surplus catalog in the mail, so you'll see me on the trail decked out in imported German military garb, complete with their funky "flectar" style desert camo. Love it. Yep. Cheaperthandirt.com and REI are getting a good chunk of my scratch in the next few weeks.

That makes the summer season a good one....wedding/honeymoon in July, Wizard World Chicago/vacation in August, camping in September. I's a busy man. I like it.


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