

Fuckers. I saw it coming when they made the deal. Just let these three judges through, and we'll drop the thought of changing the filibuster rules completely. That's what the Repubs said. The Dems, of course, said yeah. Stuck to it, too.

Then Justice O'Connor announces her retirement.

Granted, Bush did seek counsel from two leading Dems on his appointment, but that doesn't mean he'll listen to it. Look at poor Colin Powell. Have to see.

Regardless, Repubs have in the Senate have already announced, whomever the Prez appoints will be through the Senate an in the Supreme Court by October 1st, EVEN IF THEY HAVE TO CHANGE THE RULES ON THE SPOT.

My question is, when did we elect morons? I mean besides the very top tier. Seriously, let's think about this. You make a deal. The other side sticks to the deal, then you stab em in the back at the most important moment. Now, if I was on the other side, I would NEVER EVER make another deal with you in my life. EVER. I wouldn't even loan you a nickle for some damn fries or coffee. Now, that might make much difference now, with Repubs in control of the House and Senate, but November's coming up fast. That could change. In four months, we could hang Congress by voting in a balanced government, and suddenly, all those people stinging from that back stab flat out refuse to cooperate with the people holding the knife. Then, next year, we look at the incompetance of the Repubs to work with the Dems and vote em out. Now the Dems are back in control, when what we really need is BALANCE. And the pendelum continues to swing in ever more retarded lengths as each side tries to one up the other in gaining control... foolish.

How bout we stop swinging around the Bible and September 11th and start governing based on common sense, intelligence, and maturity? Really. What did Jesus teach? Tolerance. Where's that at? When our elected officials going to reach across "the aisle" and shake their opponents hand, respecting them as God's creatures should respect each other? I'm pretty sure THAT'S the religious values the country was founded on....


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