
Vrock on

Last night, we fought some Vrocks. They'd invaded the town we just arrived in, we needed something to do, and the two met in the middle. John and I toe to toe with two demons. I'd say that as usual, tactics eluded us, but it's only partly true. We definitely started off with a little battlefield control, but it turns out, most demons that are worth a fuck can greater teleport at will. So no controlling their movement for us... Turns out the vrocks didn't like the mummy I gave to them all that much and pretty much ignored him, focusing on John and I. Scratch that tactic, then.

That pretty much left me with two options. Send John running for around so I could use my negative energy burst, or we both continue working in attacks of opportunity and fighting/flinging spells. We chose the latter. Had we focused on one vrock it might have done the trick, but without clear deliniations as to which bird ta'narii we were hitting, the damage got spread out.

Once again, we saw how frustrating the spell selection for dread necromancer is. Its spells that affect undead are will saves, but undead have a strong will save. Most of its other spells are fortitude saves, but most everything besides spell casters has a high fortitude save. So, at level 10, even the powerful 5th level spells have a DC of 20, which means most monsters need a 5 or less to beat the spell. Looks like my 5th level load out is gonna be greater dispel magic, 2x summon undead v, and 2x slay living, unless I know undead are involved, then swap the slay living for undeath to death. Oh well. At least there's no expense components in there, except for undeath to death. Too bad we used most of our gems for bribes last night. lol.

Overall, fun game, though.


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