We've all seen it. The bright green shirt with the iconic gamer figures in wedding garb and a caption that reads "Game Over". We know it, we love it. Nick got me one for my anniversary.
So, I'm burning "Casual Day" stickers all through my last 6 days in my current position cause they're no good in the corporate offices. I opted for that shirt today. As I'm strollin through the hellspital, I'm thinking how funny the dichotomy of sexes is regarding this shirt. Behold.
A chic sees a dude in this shirt and, barring the freak occurence of nature called a hot gamer chic, she's universally knocking that dude off her list of mates. He's either A) married or B) horribly single and telling the world that he views marriage as a death sentence because he refuses to give up the gamer lifestyle for something as trivial as love/sex/female companionship. A lifetime of save points can not be replaced by the responsiblities of a family (besides, we all know the good parts stop when the ring goes on. Unless you're me.)
Compare that to a dude seeing a chic in the same shirt. He's sees one of two things (after noticing how the shirt compliments her breasts). He sees a married chic that's announcing to the world that she somehow got shackled with the only dude in the land that doesn't get at least a partial stiffy at the thought of his eternal bed fellow whooping his ass at Mortal Kombat. There's potential there if he can work it right, and the best part is, her dude might unwittingly foot the bill... OR he sees a gamer chic that's announcing to the world that no cock can come between her and her magic buttons. The latter's just as good, cause it means you can plop down on the couch next to they honey, grab controller number two, and mash some shit up until she's too wet to win which is when it really gets fun.
Of course, there's the third front, which happens rarely, but paranoid (or realistic) dudes might see a chic that's telling him, "Look, geek. It's gonna happen. Even morons get humpin. Yer gonna find someone, prolly a fatty to match your fattyness, worlds collide, babies are made, you're hitched or paying child support and then, the last game system you'll even own is your right hand in the shower." Those guys are just weird, though.
So, I'm burning "Casual Day" stickers all through my last 6 days in my current position cause they're no good in the corporate offices. I opted for that shirt today. As I'm strollin through the hellspital, I'm thinking how funny the dichotomy of sexes is regarding this shirt. Behold.
A chic sees a dude in this shirt and, barring the freak occurence of nature called a hot gamer chic, she's universally knocking that dude off her list of mates. He's either A) married or B) horribly single and telling the world that he views marriage as a death sentence because he refuses to give up the gamer lifestyle for something as trivial as love/sex/female companionship. A lifetime of save points can not be replaced by the responsiblities of a family (besides, we all know the good parts stop when the ring goes on. Unless you're me.)
Compare that to a dude seeing a chic in the same shirt. He's sees one of two things (after noticing how the shirt compliments her breasts). He sees a married chic that's announcing to the world that she somehow got shackled with the only dude in the land that doesn't get at least a partial stiffy at the thought of his eternal bed fellow whooping his ass at Mortal Kombat. There's potential there if he can work it right, and the best part is, her dude might unwittingly foot the bill... OR he sees a gamer chic that's announcing to the world that no cock can come between her and her magic buttons. The latter's just as good, cause it means you can plop down on the couch next to they honey, grab controller number two, and mash some shit up until she's too wet to win which is when it really gets fun.
Of course, there's the third front, which happens rarely, but paranoid (or realistic) dudes might see a chic that's telling him, "Look, geek. It's gonna happen. Even morons get humpin. Yer gonna find someone, prolly a fatty to match your fattyness, worlds collide, babies are made, you're hitched or paying child support and then, the last game system you'll even own is your right hand in the shower." Those guys are just weird, though.
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