
odd nervous system

So, todays the first day at the new gig. Didn't even really care about all that until Hegs and I were standing under a tree at Renny. Then it was like, Man, What if I'm late? or SUCK? or get lost, etc. My solution. Fuck em. Who cares. If things roll bad, I pretty much need six months out of the gig before I start looking for something else. I can man that up. Why six months? Don't wanna change jobs while trying to buy a house. Surprising credit hit.

So just for the Red Pun, here's a morning work out for those of us that don't take 2 hours to do our hair:

Spend 20 minutes or so either listening to the morning news or snooze buttoning through it. The former gets the brain used to caring again and might get some more creative thoughts in the shower other than, "If I was gay, would I enjoy the act of washing my butt sexually, or it would still only be pleasant because a clean butt is a nice feeling?"

Spend a good chunk of time thinking about breakfast. Very important, cause eating at 6am, then not again til noon is gonna leave me hungray at 9am.... Without the time to think there, I'd settle for BK on the way in. Not a bad breakfast, but who wants to spend $60 a month on breakfast? Fruity Pebbles this morning, and I might have something else in a few minutes, BTW.

Hit the computer with a decent amount of time to spare, respond to emails, read blogs, read webcomics, write blog, generally do the things I used to do at work, but not get to anymore because rumor has it their stricter about internet use at the corporate office. Now, some people might say, "But you left your other gig because they were getting stupid about internet use. Now you're knowingly going into a situation that's worse?" Yes. Why? Because in the act of changing jobs, it's easier to accept that many things are different. New building, new bosses, new protocol, it's like starting over, so I can ignore the "old hand" side of my mind that says things like, "I've been here five years and reading the news on hold has never been a problem!" In reality, it's always been a problem, it's always been our policy not to, but other managers have focused on other issues during budget crises, wheras the higher ups now what productivity numbers high, and if the workload isn't there, we should find other work to do, so on and so forth. So, get that internet shit done in the morning.

Then there's the projects. With an RPG writing gig still floating in "What's our next deadline" limbo, and the CG project working to spread it's badly tiled wings, there's a lot on the table, potentially. (that's not including the other work I should be doing, like expanding the homebrew and dropping query letters to Paizo, or perusing the freelance work on various CG forums...) The fact remains that my creative burst is usually between 3am and 7am, then again between 10am and 2pm. Can't work on stuff during the latter, so why not the former. I could sleep at such times as to make the full 4 hour spread accesible, but right now, it's not necessary. *shrug*

And what if, like today, there's still 45 minutes left after all of that? Well, eat another bowl of cereal, and consider the following options: brainstorm another RPG proposal, paint some minis, start on the myriad selection of water colors I should do, or as is most likely the case, consider playing EVE or Guild Wars.....

All told, if it takes more than 3 minutes to do my hair, Wendy has a hand in it.


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