
7 days, a ton of scratch, bachelor party, wedding, honeymoon, etc Pt One

Well, we're back, and what a hoo haa it was. I'll be breaking the tales into multiple parts with some attempt at chronology, but I'm sure I'll forget and remember it all at various times throughout.

First up is some mighty thanks to EVERYONE for driving an assload of miles, dealing with extreme heat, and just laughing in the face of wedding stress to bring about the best damn celebration ever by being sweet ass people, getting along with everyone, telling me what a good guy I am, throwing kick ass parties, enjoying kick ass parties, and finally (but totally unnessecary) giving kick ass gifts.

Let's begin.

We rolled into A-town at about 4am. Fun there. Ron made the trip over a bitch, cause he's the whiniest fucking cat I've seen in a car ever. Can't wait to hit the road with him on a trip more than 5 hours long.... Gotta have A/C for that.

I think we hit the hay at about 4:30 or 5ish, and rolled out of bed 2.5 hours later. Wednesday was a jumble of events, but we met with Jessica from the Paine, Rosie (our officiate), and had to get the marriage license. Unfortunately, the birth certificate I had was from the hospital, not the state. That left me frantically calling my mom to see if she could score me one before they left. She did, but that cut into her sleep, so much appreciation there. That was the first opportunity my mom and Dale (stepdad) had to shine this weekend. And she did.

Jump to Wednesday night after a quick nap and Wendy/Lynn taking care of reception shit. We hit Wendy's Dad's for some sweet ass cornish hen. Just before we head, though, my boys from Illinois call up to let me know they're in town. The plan is to hit Men's Warehouse after dinner to score tuxes. Some miscommunication had them thinking I was meeting them there, but me thinking I was grabbing them at the hotel. Trouble is, the hotel wasn't where I thought it was.

Four stops for bad directions later, and I roll into the pimped out Copperleaf to be ridiculed by the front desk person for asking what room they were in. I knew it was 205, but no answer at the door led me to the front desk to double check. Jack ass finally offered to call the room for me, which of course met with no answer. Boolah wasn't answering the cell phone, so I headed home in anger. Passed Wendy and Katie on the way as they were looking for me, but I didn't notice til too late to honk and they kept going.

Some cell phone calls with them later, and I was making a call to MW to see if the boys were still there. Salesperson said no, but then Boolah called and let me know they were still there. Too late for me to make it before they closed though, so I led the boys to Wendy's Mom's (our base) via cell phone.

A bit of hanging, some Texas Hold 'Em with nekkid lady cards and the boys were off to the hotel. I wrapped up a few other things and settled in for another 4-5 hours of sleep. Lack of sleep was a running theme. By Friday morning, Wendy and I had slept roughly 12 hours of since Tuesday. That left Wendy rather ill Friday, but once excitement started she picked up again, and we slept as much as possible after the wedding. Me? Give me something worthwhile to focus on, and I can go on cat naps like its luxury.

Highlights for Wednesday:

Seeing the Watchdogs
Great Cornish Hen Dinner
Last time I had to pay for anything until Sunday
Last time I had to drive anywhere until Friday
First of 20 days off for cool shit during the awesome End of Summer I've got going on

Tune in next time for Things I Shouldn't Say Online or A Dishonest Man Would Have Showered.


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