
me words not so well today

Hag! Can't remember words. like a collection of deities. PANTHEON! Yay.

Anyway, heading outta town tonight, so I won't be blogging for a few days. Gotta take care o' some wedding stuff. Regardless, the plans for the weekend production-wise go like so: Play a lot of Risk, specifically Clone Wars Risk. Scored it today and I gotsa see how fun it is.

D&D wise, here's what I *should* do - Cinch up the noble families of the Ichian Empire. (Just an outline/who's who should suffice for now.) Figure out what Myrrhlanthus (at least, the important figures of) think should be done with the tomb. Whip up the next one shot adventure. Work up the events/trek/adventure for Levvy's brother's funeral at sea.

Not adventure wise, but OGE-wise - Check SRD for OGL character classes. I'm working on the wizard school (do by Monday according to my production schedule), but I don't want to stat out some warmages and warlocks if they aren't OGL, cause these guys won't need stays ingame for several months if ever. If I gotta make em fighter/wizards and sorceres, fine. Honestly, I doubt I get this done on time, cause I forgot it takes my anal retentive self most of a day to make a high-level character as I agonize over the details of every piece of equipment. Hell, I'm technically done with the headmaster, but I still haven't figured out what scrolls and wands he has tucked away in the variouis nooks and crannies of the school. Not to mention part of this phase is cynching up a final look for all of the maps in the book.

Actually, I may dump the final maps back to closer to production. Work on them when I'm working on layout type of thing... Even without that, though, it prolly won't get done. I'd like to play the one shot next week, which means that takes focus this weekend. If I don't get that done or change my mind, sounds like Nick's rearin to go on the monster campaign, and I know Wendy'll NEVER pass up the chance to play her lizardwoman....

And hell, I haven't even mentioned the pantheon(s). I need to come up with the old religion(s), figer out how/why they changed, and decide if they're gonna change again.

AND I frickin had a sweet idea about the planes that bout made me crap myself. But I won't go into that here. Made me wanna go crazy and play air guitar though.

Shafe with a big ole' fart brewin. Thanks Erberts and Gerberts.


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