
a bit of a mystery

OK. I'm a bad person, and I've let me Friday night game review languish in the ether for almost three days now. Of course, that erodes much of the detail. Sorry. Just haven't felt like mixing words much this weekend.

So, over the past couple of weeks, I've run a few solo type adventures with Levvy and Crenius. Zeke and Gregorious had one, possibly two, but unfortunately for John, Luke's lack of time or interest shot it in the ass. More importantly for everyone, they didn't discover a few key points of information that may bite them in the ass in a few adventures....mwuahahahah.

As build up (and unfortunately I can't give a play by play, because a player or two has been having problems with keeping game and character knowledge separate, but only in certain instances), Levvy went looking for an opportunity to buy her family out of slavery and Crenius, as a matter of focusing to deal with his fiendish dreams, took on a job as a book translator.

Crenius spent his time after that researching some information he found in the book he worked on, and discovered the possibility of an ancient tomb beneath the very foundations of the city. This tomb supposedly houses a great high priest of the Nyran civilization, which is the people that the Ichian Empire ousted in a genocidal assault. There writing and magic is based on geometric function, and Crenius is quite interested in this.

Parallel to this, Levvy discovered some books an artifacts from the Nyran civilization in her family's basement, along with evidence that the theives'/smugglers' guild was using her home as storage in her abscence. After some research by Levvy in the streets and Crenius in the library, they settled on this tomb being under the local mega-brewery, with hopes of finding out more about Levvy's family's associaton in all of this.

As a matter of preparation, they bought a rope ladder, Crenius made some extra scrolls, and everyone sharpened and oiled gear after retreiving Zeke and Gregorious from the temple of Heironious, where Zeke was attempting to teach Gregorious tactics, and Gregorious was attempting to teach Zeke tolerance. It looks like both failed.

After some sleep, the party made a late night sally into the brewery. After rifling through the owner's office (and Crenius stealing some fancy writing supplies), they headed downstairs. Crenius put a couple of guards to sleep to keep things quiet, and the group found a well with pumping equipment surrounding it. After tieing a rope to Crenius, they lowered him down the well. Near the end of the descent, the group slipped and dropped Cren, but he was caught by a net across the well and was immediately beset by a rogue guard. Cren put him to sleep too.

After picking a lock on the door the guard was protecting, Levvy opened it to a hail of darts from a trap. Again, the first trap gets em. Go me.

The party heads down a long circular stairway, with Levvy scouting ahead, only to discover that Levvy missed another trap, and woulda been cut in half had she not been an halfling.... After that, the group got way more cautious.

At the bottom of the stairs, a man with a weasel spotted Levvy. He sent the weasel running and attacked, chasing Levvy back up the stairs to the party, then chasing her back down the stairs as she slipped and tumbled past him. He didn't notice the rest of the group until they hit the bottom of the stairs and Zeke pummeled him into oblivion wit Fists of Stone.

Another door, no trap and the party was in a super long, completely dark hallway. This time, they had everburning torches. Halfway down the hallway, some zombies attacked. Crenius got a nice hit in with an acid flask, then stepped back to let the fighters do some good. Levvy's axes were flying, Gregorious actually used both weapons for a full three rounds (although to his credit, the 1-2 damage his shortsword would have done when he hit was probably not statistically worth the -2 to hit with both weapons), and Zeke pumped disrupt undead like a madman. Eventually, the zombie fell and the party continued on.

As the tunnel opened into a larger cave, a mysterious looking man in armor was looking for what could only have been his zombies, but Crenius put him to sleep really quick, too. Good thing, as he was a Hexblade, and they can cause some grief to casters...

About the time, Wendy was passing out, so we ended on a cliffhanger as the party entered the tomb they were looking for, only to be met with a charging barbarian and three little footsoldiers...

Spell of the day was obviously sleep, but I think Crenius is running out of those. Highlight of the day was Zeke smashing the guard to pulp with two hits. Annoyance of the day was Zeke and his "don't loot the bodies" attitude. Maybe next adventure, every opponent will be wearing a ring, keyed to his chemistry, that when he dies, he arises one minute later as a zombie. Every time. The only way to stop it is to take the fucking ring off. Although, I have other ideas for that.... Too bad I don't think the players do. They still haven't figured out how to manipulate Zeke's honor to get what they want. Which is funny, cause I see bout three opportunities for it in almost every encounter.

Anyway, tune in next time for Oh Crap, That Statue Just Winked At Me or A Devil Boy, A Fat Elf, and Two Midgets Walk Into a Bar....


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