
Danglin from a hang nail

I swear to God. I'm gonna run a rope from the bathroom to the food/water bowl and tie the cats on it at night. They can piss and eat and that's it. Consistantly, Arther (otherwise known as Captain Retardo) wakes me up at 5:30. No reason. There's food in the bowl, water in the fountain, everything is right in the world, except he's lonely and I'm his friend. Apparently, in his world, Friends Don't Let Friends Sleep In.

On top of that, this morning, as every morning when a window's open, the birds are singing and it's set to be a beautiful day, Ron decides it's time to set in the window and enjoy it. Trouble is, he's the laziest little bastard in the world. Instead of leaping into the window ninja mountain lion style like Arthur, he hops onto a basket, stands on his back legs and stretches out, not quite getting in the window sill, but instead standing on his tip toes to enjoy the morning sun. Of course, he weighs more than the basket, resulting in a falling basket a crash into the closet doors (good solid tin), flailing fat cat and almost falling curtains. Nice thing to wake up to 15 minutes after falling asleep from Arthur's morning "How ya doin?"

This is why I'm a dog person.

So now the question is, more caffeine or nap on the couch? Either one is gonna result in grumpy for the rest of the day, but I'm leaning toward nap. No sense going back to bed, as that'll wake Wendy up again, which isn't fair to her.

Ooh, here's a thought. Metal blinds for the window. Close em at night, and get cats with mild concussions. I like it.


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