
talk about lucky

So, you wanna know who's happy about a little plane flying into restricted airspace and taking up all of the national news time? Northwest Airlines, that's who. The last couple of days have been shit for that company.

On Tuesday, a truck driver, at the end of a 16 hour shift fell out or passed out at the wheel. Unfortunately that wheel was in control of fuel truck full of 2000 gallons of straight fuel and 1000 gallons of jet fuel. Poof. Or it would have went poof, cept he got lucky and the shit was 3 inches away from fatal.

Wednesday, nother bullet dodged. A DC-9 had hydraulic trouble during landing, but landed safely. Too bad for them. While taxiing into the gate, the steering locked up and they crashed into the back of a huge Airbus. Only six injuries out of a 150 possible, but still. This stuff would have been all over the national news.

Except nobody died.

And someone flew a plane in a threatening fashion.

I'm sure this is only ONE example from this week where the "important" news was overshadowed by the "entertaining" news. CNN's been on in the waiting room all day. I lost count of the amount of no-name DC residents that were interviewed about how horrible it was to think another plane could be crashing into them at any minute.... While I won't argue that the event COULD have been serious, it wasn't. Give it the 10 minutes it's worth, possibly 10 minutes every hour, and move on. It's no longer "news" after we know about it. It becomes "olds" the minute I hear about it. That's why the shit's called "news" and simply not "Information You Should Know As a Responsible Citizen."

Of course, how many of us can claim the title of "responsible citizen" anymore? When's the last time you contacted a senator or representative about anything? Made a consumer decision based on how the product would effect the environment or someone's job? Do you even know what our trade deficit was in March? How bout the cost of this administration's "black ops" budget? Playboy says they're training soldiers to kill hamsters with a thought, you know.... Hamtaro better reconsider those threats he made to America's safety. We got special forces just itching to take a crack at his little animated ass.....


Blogger Jorge Mackton said...

Hell, man, I'd worry about being a concerned citizen if it wasn't a waste of time. Being a concerned citizen involves trying to influence other people in a way that you think is genuinely positive, regardless of whether it is actually positive. Throw in the fact that truly exerting any actual influence on people around you is ultimately an exercise in futility, and you can being to understand why most people don't work up the hutzpah to bother.

That, and frankly, most people are indeed lazy.

As usual, just labor towards enlightenment, which just involves figuring yourself out, then figuring out how to not be a dick to everyone else. That's impossible enough to keep anyone busy for the rest of their life.

4:34 AM  

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