
Happy late Halloween and L5R x 2

Yep, I missed it, so Happy H-Day pizeeples. It's a zoo hear at the hellspital, so please, forgive any derailed trains of thought with this post.

So, great Halloweeny, here if you consider great to be a day of shopping and gaming. That's a typical great day for me, but seems like a lackluster All Hallow's Eve to me. Regardless, a great day.

Got Wendy's character made up last night, so things are starting to move on the Greater War campaign. I won't mention what she made, on the off chance that one of those gamers actually reads this thing, but things are shaping up to be interesting. On a similar note, today I picked up a couple more prospects for that, so welcome to the fray John and Andrew. You'll find my late night break downs of the world environment in the September Archive.

As for L5R, Nick and I got a couple of games in. We had time for three, but decided to mix it up instead of doing a best of three, so we went with random match ups.

First game saw a rematch of Unicorn vs. Crab, but we'd both revamped out decks a bit. I traded a few Senpet Scimitars off of Nick and was rearing to use em (sorry for the bad horse joke....prolly no one even noticed the rearing thing, eh?) This game was fast and intense. It's a shame it was first, as it was way more exciting than the next game, but I don't remember much of it. I think we traded province for province once, then I lost a lot of peeps and Nick took two more of mine. Heck, I might have taken one, then he took three a few turns later. Bottom line is it was a smooth play by him and I ended up down 1 province to 3. A lucky defend left him bowed except for one unit, and me with enough force and cards in hand to take two provinces. So we were at 1 province a piece, with honor minimal on us both. One of us attacked and I lost all but one person, with Nick sitting pretty at 2 beefy people and a cav unit in his province. Now, for some reason, he didn't attack. He should have. He would have killed my last person, but not taken the province. He should have just kept attacking until I flipped a holding, then taken the province, but he didn't. So, on my turn I pulled a 2nd person. Next turn he pulled his cav personality. I followed by attacking with enough force to take the prov if he didn't defend. I won that battle by 1 force, so he kept the prov, but lost the units. Next turn he flipped a holding. I shoulda lost that one, but he didn't attack. *shrug*

The next game saw his Phoenix deck vs. my revamped Dragon deck. It's no longer enlightenment, instead shooting for a water samurai type of thing, using the two weapons stronghold. If the dragon sensei I have on eBay doesn't sell, though, I may revamp this one into a water monk with House of Tao. *shrug* Regardless, I opted for securing personalities instead of taking provinces in the 3rd round, and that left Nick to sit back and build a few shugs that could lay waste to my forces. In the end, I hit 40 honor, he attacked, spells and kihos were slung, and I one with one province left. Boring as shit game that took too damn long.

Now I have to go eat before I have to register another patient. Screw it, I'll register this last one, then go eat. Cream-style corn and apple roasted pork. Thanks Wendy. Glad I'm engaged to the perfect woman.


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