
Reviews: Girl Next Door & Walking Tall

Two blog posts in one weekend? The other BW bloggers just can't keep up!

These are the left over movies from the party.

Girl Next Door wasn't bad. Wasn't great, but it wasn't bad. One of those movies you'd be pissed if you wasted $8-10 in the theater on, but not bad for a rental, and I might have even liked it if it were on HBO during a free weekend preview. Nah, maybe not. The unrated version barely had enough t & a to make it worthwhile, and none of the cable channels would play that version. The problem was, the previews made the movie look like a porn star rompin 1.5 hours, when really the porn stars got maybe 20 minutes total time, and less than 10 of porn star time. *shrug*

Walking Tall wasn't too bad either. Again, not great, but not bad. I dug it more than GND, but not as much as Rock's other action flick, The Run Down. Certainly I was less drunk for Walking Tall than Run Down, which might have had a little to do with it, but I liked the chemistry between the Road Trip kid and Rock more than between Johnny Knoxville and Rock. Don't get me wrong. Knoxville did a good job acting in this film, but it was just less comedic overall. I didn't think there was enough character development in this one. I mean, it's based on actual events, but you really don't get to know any of the people involved in the events. Anyway, much better as a rental, but unlike Girl Next Door, a good enough rental to rent it. No need to wait for HBO on this one.

Granted, these reviews aren't as thorough as Joe's, but I gotta write something. All the other Blog Warriors seem to take the weekend off.


Blogger Jorge Mackton said...

For the record, our internet was down all weekend. Anyway, check my site for a REALLY short review of Girl Next Door.

2:51 PM  

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