Go Buy It
I actually have two links for the product. One at RPG Now Edge and the other at ENWorld. The EN World link is 85 cents cheaper.
I have an 8th level vampire adventure in there, with a shocking twist if ran by a good DM. I always worry that my twist/mystery adventures suck, so I can't review it. I have two excuses on this. I asked about cartography and physical descriptions for the NPCs. At 20,000+ words they said not to worry about it, the art would be great on both. So, I sent a very basic map as a guide for the cartographer to lay down some nice color and style on. Nothing. As I whined to Joe not 5 minutes ago, an email to me woulda taken care of the whole thing. I can't complain much, though, because two weeks before the original product deadline, Hurrican Rita wiped out the company. I'm honestly surprised the thing made it out at all....
As for the rest of the product, there're two other adventures, two recipes, a buttload of NPCs, feats, monsters, and magic variants, some short fiction, decent art, several posters, a map that prints out at 71" x 85", and more, for a total of 200 pages worth of stuff. I wish it was print on demand, but I don't think the printer can do the posters credit, so they opted out. Too bad, cause it's hard to read 200 pages worth of stuff no a screen. Oh well. Regardless, I think there's plenty in there for non-gamers, too, so check out the product even if you don't play D&D.
With that, I'm done hyping the thing. Except for to my friends, whom I will harrass until they all buy it AND make their other friends buy it. Charity is good like that.
I have an 8th level vampire adventure in there, with a shocking twist if ran by a good DM. I always worry that my twist/mystery adventures suck, so I can't review it. I have two excuses on this. I asked about cartography and physical descriptions for the NPCs. At 20,000+ words they said not to worry about it, the art would be great on both. So, I sent a very basic map as a guide for the cartographer to lay down some nice color and style on. Nothing. As I whined to Joe not 5 minutes ago, an email to me woulda taken care of the whole thing. I can't complain much, though, because two weeks before the original product deadline, Hurrican Rita wiped out the company. I'm honestly surprised the thing made it out at all....
As for the rest of the product, there're two other adventures, two recipes, a buttload of NPCs, feats, monsters, and magic variants, some short fiction, decent art, several posters, a map that prints out at 71" x 85", and more, for a total of 200 pages worth of stuff. I wish it was print on demand, but I don't think the printer can do the posters credit, so they opted out. Too bad, cause it's hard to read 200 pages worth of stuff no a screen. Oh well. Regardless, I think there's plenty in there for non-gamers, too, so check out the product even if you don't play D&D.
With that, I'm done hyping the thing. Except for to my friends, whom I will harrass until they all buy it AND make their other friends buy it. Charity is good like that.
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