
Big Change

We got our first snow last night. When I got off at 6 it hadn't been dumping for long. Between then and when I got home at a little after 7 (stopped and got new shoes), it was more like snow in New Mexico than Minnesota, both in the sky and on the ground. Basically, the shit was pretty much melting before it hit the ground, but that didn't mean that everybody on the road wasn't going 10-15 mph below the speed limit and bottlenecking around on and off ramps. Oy. I want to video tape this phenomenon one year and whip it out whenever someone from "the North" comments on the idiots to the south not knowing how to drive in snow. Seems like everyone up here forgets over the summer.

On the other side of the change coin, my little attempt to get writing by blogging failed yesterday. I did pump some shit out at lunch in the break room, but that was it. Here's what I'm noticing. Almost from the minute I clock in, my creative brain goes on standby and I become some standard worker. I do what needs to be done here at work, and entertain myself with common internet means while on hold. Occasionally, I won't hang up from an insurance if I'm reading a good article or something, but for the most part, it's wage slave all the way. Break time hits, and I usually drill on the creative front again, unless I just sit at my desk and veg out.

Now, with this info, you'd think that I'd get home and be rearin to go. Nope. There's this little thing called a commute that gets in my way. And dinner. I can usually get something done on Friday night, cause dinner can be whatever, but if Wendy or I has to consider left overs for lunch the next day, kiss everything goodbye. Kind of weird, but that's what I've noticed lately. I get a shitload of stuff done in the morning, though. Just wish I could make myself get up earlier.

Anyway, maybe tomorrow I'll have something worth reading.


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