
Gibblets Day

Well, it's Thanksgiving. So, Happy Thanksgiving to all.

What am I thankful for? Let's see. First the mushy stuff. Wendy and the cats. There are three individuals that make coming home worth my time. Without Wendy, obviously I'd still be in Illinois, but doing what, who knows. Probably NOT pursuing a hobby level freelance game writing career. Most definitely not trying to keep my finger on the 3d animation industry for future use. Most likely not nearly as satisfied with the domesticated state my life is at right now.

Then there's the friends. I'll not list em, at the risk of leaving someone out. Good times.

As for the narcissistic action, I'm most thankful I actually have a chance of doing something in an industry I love. Namely, RPGs. The first published action is out already, and I'm a little over a 1/4th done with the second project. I just found a third project I think I'm gonna shoot for, and the great news is that if I don't score that gig, I have a plethora of proposal ideas for both Dungeon magazine and/or Lichhaven Games. All of that means I can hold off on starting up Organ Grinder for a little while at least.

I think I'll cut this short, because the bars are about to close, which generally means an ER rush, which generally counteracts my feelings of thankfulness, and I wouldn't want to ruin such a fluffy post.


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