
One Woman, Unconventionally, Forever. Pt 4

I'm trying to remember what I did Saturday morning before the boys arrived. I remember Wendy and I lounged in bed until she had to head out for the hair appointment and I had a LOT of time to kill before 1:30. Oh yeah, I started laundry (which apparently I did wrong, as the antique washing machine sat on spin cycle with NO water for hours), then called and had my stepdad come get me.

I went to lunch with Mom, Dale, Justin, Bobby and Morris (the latter two being Dale's stepmom and Dad respectively). We ate at the Machine Shed, which was damn good. Nerves were a little off, of course, so I didn't eat as much of the great fucking salad as I wanted to. Of course, mom kept stuffing chicken liver on my plate, so that accounted for a bit of it. Good liver, too. After that, back to the house to get ready.

I arrived home shortly before the dudes to find hair and make-uped chics everywhere. Good stuff. Then the dudes pulled in, Stephanie hit Country's hair and the chics headed out. Boys stripped to our underthreads, took some photos and generally figured out how tuxedos worked. Major props to both John and Big Country, for without their help, Jessica, Lynn or some other lady with an eye for detail would have had much straightening to do. Instead, we overcame then headed south for heat and honeys.

3pm saw us at the Paine, but unable to enter because the ceremony before us had run over. We blazed on in anyway, cause I'd paid a lot for that shit. Later, our photos got cut off before our ceremony because Claire wanted this other party to get photos where we were at. In fact, I'm told that 45 minutes before our ceremony started, this other group was STILL in the way. Had I known that, when Claire showed up to ask us to move on, I would have given her shit. As it was, we just moved on.

1.5 hours of photos in the sun and we were set for the wedding. The ceremony has been described as unusual, beautiful, unique, fitting, and all around excellent, so I guess it went well. ;) Hot as fuck, though. Thought my feet were melting in the snakeskin shoes. Most importantly, we got hitched, and got many chuckles from the audience in the process.

We spent prolly another 1.5 hours taking photos afterwards, which pissed Claire off. Her boyfriend was waiting. Again, had I known this, much shit would have been flung. As it stood, I just ignored her enquiries into time and past on an "almost done" everytime she asked me specifically.

As it was, we got to the reception at straight up 7 when dinner was supposed to be served, so no mingling for us. Shortly into dinner, we learned Claire had NOT given the bag of photos to the photographer as she said she would. Much pissed about that. But we moved on and the reception was a fricking blast. Danced for almost 4 hours, meaning we were all exhausted at the end. Great time, though.

So, lessee. The ONLY reason I'd recommend the Paine to anyone for a ceremony is because of the AWESOME pictures we got from it. That recommendation comes with this warning: Stand your ground. Get what you paid for, and remind any of Jessica's assistants that YOU are the boss. She's just a steward. Jessica herself was great, and the apologetic message we got from her makes it more so. Her help, though....

Big hits of the night were Wendy's grandma Werdin, Nick with the old ladies, Joe and his unique style of dancing, Braxton's energy, our odd mix of music, and I personally loved the DJ sending every song request to me then telling me I didn't have to OK it when I OKed it with him.

All in all, a great wedding. I, of course, had much more to say, but constant interruptions by people with minor cuts and scrapes in the ER has driven most of that from my head.

Tune in next time for To Your Left, Cherry Trees or You Do Realize There's a Mirror Above the Hot Tub, Right?


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