
A weekend and a review

I skipped gaming last night. I say 'I' which unfortunately means everyone, because I'm the designated DM and it's my responsibility to entertain the masses when no one else is able to. Last night, I failed. Chalk it up to a day in solitude spent in video gaming and development. I learned I'm incapable of "turning it on," and I must eeease into gaming. It's a social experience for me, so I need socializing before I can jump into it. Otherwise it's all numbers and dice. I can PLAY the game with numbers and dice, but I can't run the game that way. As the DM, the skill comes from storytelling, which is all social for me.

So, I apologize.

Review wise, tonight we caught Kingdom of Heaven. Rockin. I wasn't awed by the film. Unfortunately, it followed the cinematic formula for "Epic Films" set forth by Braveheart and Troy; introduce the hero, set him on a road, take away everything he knows, then show what he's made of.

That being said, the flick still rocked. Good acting, good visuals. I dug. Hell, I didn't even realize I had to piss til the end of the movie. And that's saying something. I did fart, though. Twice. It's a rare movie that keeps a man from farting.

I'll cut it here. I'm kicking around the idea of a short story style of blogging, wherin I introduce some of the events happening abroad in my campaign world. I was initially thinking of spending a little time on "cut scenes" in game just to get my ass in the mood to tell a story, but a couple of points were brought up over the last couple of days. First of all, as Wendy mentioned, it would be tough for the players to not only seperate that knowledge from character knowledge, but also tough to both remember that it didn't deal with their characters AND to pay attention knowing that it had no in game effect. Second, as Nick pointed out on a totally different subject, we game once a week for approximately four hours. Do I really want to spend 15 minutes of it tooting my own horn? No. I'd rather spend that 15 interacting with my friends in a fashion we all find enjoyable. If they're not having fun, why should I be?

So, I may or may not bring that info here. It would give me an excuse to write these events, and generally, once I get the stuff out, I can see where that road leads in-game and know whether I need to develop it any further..... We'll see. One major advantage to it is that the players could come and read a little bit about the world that's not quite "around" them, but near enough that they've probably heard rumors or learned a bit of it in school...


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