
If you need medical care and can't afford it, let us know.

Well, another day of the playoffs has come to an end. As expected the Eagles advanced, rather soundly. Unfortunately, so did the Patriots. I wasn't able to watch as much of either game today.

From what I saw, though, the Vikes forgot how to play football. Take the botched field goal fake for example. You can bet money the media's gonna eat up Moss for that one, specially considering the 2 second error and moon shot from previous games. Sometimes I feel bad for the guy. Sometimes.

As for the Colts/Pats game, looked like the Colts just got outplayed. Unlike the Rams and Vikes this weekend, the Colts came to play. Unfortunately, the patty cakes came to play harder.

And more unfortunately, now that that game is over, everyone and their mom is sick and in need of emergency medical treatment. See a previous rant on that one.


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