
Tiger Bomb

I love the Presidents. I also love MP3s. What I love more is the fact that I can rip all of my CDs into MP3s, then dump the CDs I no longer listen to into eBay. Glorious eBay.

Yeah, for some reason, my mind's been on making spare cash, lately. It's not like I'm hurting for cash. In fact, if I clamp the wallet shut the next few works, except for wedding stuff I need to buy, I should be able to snag-a-lag on the sweet digital camera I've had my eye on lately. Of course, that's tough considering Ron, King Arthur's spear, and one of our cats all need to see the vet. And Wendy needs a transmission flush, of which I volunteered to pay for half to most of it...

Still, the cash front isn't doing too bad, and the savings, despite big expenditures on the wedding coming up, is growing steadily (thanks to a solid B&N check every week). Despite that, my list of potential eBay auctions is growing. On top of eBay, I've cracked a scheme to make a few hunnerd in the D&D realm here and there, too. Publishing adventures apparently pays purty damn good. *shrug* Greed...I'd like to say that's what sets man apart from beast, but considering the number of predators that kill and hide or bury food for harsh winter needs, it's not....greed is just our reaction to limited resources and a desperate need to be on top. It's a form of security to our insecure minds.

And to rant a bit, even those that claim no greed have it in a sense. Unless your home is a small apartment, stocked with kitchen supplies of minimal quantity and quality, a couch, a bed, and a library card, your hordeing something, be it simply leisure. Unless you toss ALL of your extra income into homeless shelters, charities, and helping really smart poor kids pay for college, you've prolly got a bit of savings in some form or another. Everyone's got a bit of greed in em somewhere.

But that's all I'm gonna touch on there. Maybe again later I can hit up Nick's egotistical Americans rant. Glad I waited the other night, I've got some more points to bring out. *Ding*


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