
Tonight, we game

Well, hopefully today I'll wrap up the gift purchases after work, as I still need stuff for me mummy, Big Country and Billion Dollar Braxton (technically he's only worth a mil or so, but being considerably premature will do that to ya. poor kids gonna have more health problems than I). Prolly Monday or Tuesday we'll get with Nick to exchange gifts (next year I'm sure the MN equation of Christmas we'll be a lot larger, but this year, it's just Nick), hopefully I'll have the care package sent to So. Ill., and Christmas day see's the introduction of me madre and co to the frigid north. Gonna be a good Christmas. Specially when Wendy opens the Most Awesomest Gift Ever (sure to still the title of Best Gift Giver Ever completely away from Boolah). Hell, since I scored such awesome gifts for everyone, I may fly without a list for the boys down south next year. It failed this year. I'da got Joe One Piece he already had, and while I'm sure Country would have got a chuckle out of the Life of Dio DVD I could never find, it'd prolly sit on the shelf with the prolly unopened Poison DVD Boolah got him last year....lol.

But this post isn't about that. It's about gaming. And tonight, we game.

We're gonna continue from where we left last weekend, which was a near a dead pile of orcs or something we thought were Yuan-ti. Matt's gonna make it this time, so yay, for Shamus Potts will be traveling with us, and since we're pawing along on the ground, his Flaming Fists of Halfling Doom kung fu fighting style will be much more effective. Hopefully, G-leaf can add to his army a bit, and Ollie might find the benefit to befriending his own personal arsenal of warm and fuzzies. In game terms, the gnome has about 2 5/6 worth of HD floating around in his animal friendship pool, and the ranger has a full 5HD. Plenty of room for a bear or something. G-leaf's torn between getting some better aerial combatants and not making Bill & Ted jealous. Granted, there's not much a hawk or eagle's gonna do against the likes of a manticore.... Maybe he'll just start befriending a poop load of smaller birds to act as a spy network.... or maybe just a cheetah.

Regardless, look for a full report tomorrow, as I work all weekend at FV.


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