
Like Breeds Like

When you're at work, and it's dead slow, if you're doing absolutely nothing, you want to continue doing absolutely nothing. Therefore, if you're like me, you get inexplicably angry when a customer/patient comes in and makes you do something. Even if the extant of your job takes maybe 4 minutes per patient. 8 minutes is the national average, but I shoot for 2.

So, Nick's gonna be running a little adventure in a couple of weeks. For simplicity on this one, everyone's gonna be using their characters in my campaign, and this adventure's just going to be a part of my campaign. Sounds like later he'll run a campaign of his own. Here's the trouble with that, which I just now realized... For this one adventure, I have to make a character. I've spent maybe the last week or so mulling over possibilities and finally came up with a guy I really dig. (more on him in a minute) From the sounds of it though, Nick's real campaign is gonna be level 1, which means this mid-level guy I'm making now is gonna stay in my campaign. See what I'm getting at.... I'm gonna have a character I like a lot that I get to play maybe once or twice, cause I'm the DM in this campaign. Granted, I can run him from time to time if the party needs extra guns, but that's still not the same. :( I sad.

Wanna run down on the character? Hope so, cause it's coming anyway.... I had to leave for work in the middle of making him, but a lot of the big stuff is done.

Being a gnome, from a family of illustrious illusionists, our boy of course went to an illustionist university, despite a barely above average intelligence. During a "refined casting" test, the young gnome misfired a spell, which left him and his professor in a state of siamese twinness. Modern magic being what it is, this embarrassing situation was quickly rectified. However, our unfortunate miscaster was quickly ostracized from the school. His family being very proud of its heritage, he was even more quickly ejected from the family residence. A young gnome, with no family in a city he'd barely spent time in, he went a little crazy and set forth to find himself in the wilderness.

(fuck I inexplicably hate people all of a sudden)

He discovered an affinity for two things. Dirty fighting and nature. He became a druid. As his druid powers grow, he becomes closer to the land.

In game terms, that's lvl 3 illusionist, lvl 3 druid, lvl 2 geomancer.

But, a ton of fucking sick and snifflies just came in, so I gotta cut this bastard short. And somehow, I gotta get unangry, cause I shouldn't be this pissed. Although this bitch that just walked in is gonna drive me nuts with her complaining about how sick she is. She's vertical, not puking, not bleeding, and not shitting her pants....I've seen sicker. And a nurse from upstairs just called to ask me how to put a sticker on a name band. These people save lives?

First step is to change the retarded channel.
Shafe the Angry, off to change the world. Or cage it, as that's what I typed first.


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